Chapter 18

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I cant wait for them to go on tour!! Who will she end up with? Honestly I still have not decided.... LOL! Soooo if there is one you would prefer her with, vote in the comments and I will choose the one with most votes! Also, I am deleting my other books on here for editing. They will be posted again. Once they are reposted, check them out! I will have contests and stufffff it will be great! Okay so back to the story!:) Thank you my lovelies! Vote and Comment!!<3


Chapter 18

Niall’s POV

My happiness drained as soon as I saw Eliza give Harry that look. It hurt to see her look at them like that. Her expression was mixed with sadness, anger, confusion and most of all… she had that ‘I like you’ look. I don’t know how exactly to explain it but, you know how people just have that look when they see someone they like? Even if they don’t know they like them. And it hurts. I look at her that way. I know I do, but I can’t help it! She is just so perfect! Her perfect blonde hair, her big blue eyes, her long eyelashes, and the way she is just so strong all the time, even though she has no reason to be. I mean losing someone you love is hard. I wouldn’t be as strong as she is. Well, as strong as she acts. She doesn’t need this stuff from Harry, playing with her emotions. It’s obvious she likes him! Why can’t he see it! You can tell he likes her too!  She has enough crap going on. She doesn’t need anyone tearing her down anymore. She need someone to be there and take care of her, and listen to her, and be her prince charming.

I want to be her prince charming.

I want her to be my princess.

Louis’s POV


She just dropped the remote. She was winning, she just gave up. I don’t understand. What does she see in HIM? I mean yea, he is my best mate, but he is also a major player! Like big time player! At least if she were falling for one of us her heart wouldn’t end up anymore broken then what it already is! I make me mad, in a way. Every girl likes him. They all see something special in him! I love him like a brother but it’s extremely annoying! All the other boys agree too.

We have never all fell for the same girl before. I am not sure Liam like likes her, but I am positive the rest of us do. And I know, on tour, as soon as Simon is gone, every one of us will be hitting on her. Can you imagine what would happen if she decides she doesn’t like any one of us? Ha, yeah, that would be slightly awkward.

Well, at least I have a year to change her mind. 

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