Chapter 7

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Hey! Sorry It took so long to update! I have not been home for two weeks!! Just got home today!:) SOOO because you guys are so awesome and I have close to 300 reads.... I updated! Despite the fact I am extremely tired! And just in case y'all care (Which I know you don't but I am going to say it anyway) My softball team is going to the championship Thursday:) I have played six games in the last three days! IM TIRED! I didn't get home until past midnight every night. Anyways....You guys are AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO DANG MUCH!!! VOTE AND COMMENT FOR FASTER UPDATES!!!:) Thank you my Lovelies!!


Chapter 7

Eliza's POV

I wake up feeling the same way I did the day after my mother died. Numb. Broken. Scared. It was horrible. I was terrified of my future, how would I live without my mother? I had no feeling at all. I knew the hardwood floor was supposed to be bold to my bare feet but I couldn't feel a thing. I must have fallen asleep crying because my face was red and puffy. I had tear stains on my face and my hair was dried together from my tears. I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the shower. I knew the water was hot because my skin was turning a bright red color, but I couldn't feel it. I just stood there in the water, in a daze for like thirty minutes before actually washing. After getting out and getting dressed, I put my hair up into a ballerina bun. I was wearing yoga pants and a tight fit T-shirt. I put on my fuzzy socks before slowly walking down the staircase. I felt like a zombie. I pet the little fluff ball of a puppy before gliding into the kitchen.

Now normally the morning conversation would start off with me walking into Uncle Simons massive kitchen, He would be sitting at the bar drinking a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. I would start off with saying.

"Good morning Uncle Simon! How did you sleep?"

He would then reply with

"Very well thank you! Is your mother still asleep?"

"Yes sir, you know how she sleeps!"

I would respond

"Want to wake her up? I'll take you two to the dance store later!"

That would always make me excited as a kid. Heck, it still made me excited! Getting to pick out a new tutu or ballet shoes! New ribbons for my hair, one time I even got tap shoes! That was fun! Then one time I got stuff for hip hop dance. Uncle Simon hired me a personal hip hop dance instructor! I would then run up the staircase as fast as my little legs could carry me. I would run into my mother's light baby blue and white bedroom. I would jump onto her bed and start singing the song she would sing to me in order to wake me up for school

"Wake up you sleepy head, Wake up!

Outta that bed! It's time to start a

Brand new morning! Wake up you sleepy head,

Wake up! Outta that bed! It's time to

Start a brand new morning!"

I would sing it, over and over again, until she would finally roll over and start to laugh at me.

"Good morning Love! How did you sleep?"

She would ask with her morning voice that I missed oh so much!

"I slept very well! Thank you!" I would reply

"Uncle Simon said he would take us to the dance store! So hurry up!"

I would then jump off the king sized bed and onto the rug. My mother would slowly get out of the bed. Her long dark hair would fall onto her back. Somehow she managed to never have any knots in her hair, it was always perfect. No fly away strands, no little hairs sticking up. She was just perfect. To me anyway. My mother would put on a nice black wrap around V-neck dress. She would put a grey tank underneath and slide into her black flats. She would tie her hair up into a perfect ponytail and put on a very light coat of makeup. We would then all load up into Uncle Simon's car and head to the dance store.

That happened a lot. Almost every time we went to visit Uncle Simon.

I always loved going to London as a child, and that still hasn't changed! But I just want my mom to be here! I miss her so much! She was the only thing I had! And now I have lost her! I know I have Uncle Simon, and the boys said I have them but... I just can't help but feel completely alone.

When I was little, all I ever wanted for Christmas and my birthday was for my father to come back. I never wanted the princess costume, or the Barbie dolls. I mean yea, I wanted that stuff. But I never asked for it. That was never on my letter to Santa, or my Birthday wish list. It was always for my daddy. Or for someone I could call daddy. I think not having my father figure changed me, for the better. It helped me to become more independent. I think that's a good thing.... Right?

I walk out of the kitchen, because honestly... nothing sounds appealing right now. I go into my dance room and stare at the mirror. I look at my blue eyes and blonde hair; I look nothing like my mother. But I am everything like her. Does that make sense? Memories flood my brain as I look around the room. I suddenly feel strong, so I go to the door I hadn't dared gone to since I have been here. My mother's room.

Simon Cowells Niece *Book 1*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz