Chapter 27

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 Dedicated to @taylor1204 for likeing all my chapters! Thanks girl! It means a lot!!!

I lied the last update was not the last for the night! But this is, I am going to bed after this! 

I love this chapter! It was really fun to write! Hope you enjoy!


Also, please check out @singerchic03 and @Dixiecrystal They are both very good friends of mine and are in need of followers! SO PLEASE FOLLOW< VOTE<COMMENT< Thank you again!!


Chapter 27

Eliza’s POV



We are in America, I am back home! Aw, it feels good! There is just something  about the air here that’s totally different than London’s air. I have missed this. A lot. It reminds me of my mom. Which I hate, but love all at the same time. Is that possible?

I follow the boys through all the security checks and grab my bags. I start towards the front doors when I see a little girl, about three years-old, all alone crying. I leave the boys and bodyguards and walk over to the little girl.

“Hello there.” I get down on my knees. I wait for her response, or for her to stop crying but nothing happens

“I am Eliza, what’s your name?” I ask, in the sweetest voice I can muster

“Talia.” She said through sobs

“That is a very pretty name; can you tell what’s wrong Talia?” I beg

“I can’t find my mommy.” She sobs louder. I hug the poor girl, it’s okay we will find her just hang on.

I pick her up with one arm and grab my bags with the other. I walk around until I hear the loud calls of a very frantic girl around my age.

“Talia?” She screamed

I walk over behind her and tap her shoulder.

“Uhm, excuse me, is this the Talia you’re looking for?” I ask

She spins around to face me.
“Oh my gosh! Talia! Are you okay? Where did you go? I told you to be still for one second! Oh my gosh I was so scared!” She grabs the young girl out of my arms and hugs her tightly. I smile at the scene playing out in front of me.

“Thank you so so so much!” She says almost crying.

“Don’t mention it.” I reply, feeling very good about myself

“Hey you are that girl from the magazines, Eliza right? I am so sorry about your mom.” She comments.

“I hadn’t realized I was on any magazines here.” I furrow my brows

“Oh you are! You’re so popular here! Anyway I have to go, thank you again so much!” She says again before picking up her small bag and walking away. I grab my bags and head outside. I get to doors where the car should be waiting for me. I am greeted at the doors by hundreds of paps.

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