Chapter 2

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(Picture of Eliza on the side)

Elizas POV

I woke up in a fog. I didn’t even feel like me. Heck I didn’t feel anything. I numbly thought about last night. I looked around the room I was in. My mothers. I noticed some of the things had been packed. My room was probably finished, I decided to shower and get ready to the trip to London. I didn’t want to stay here any longer then I had to. I numbly crawled out of the bed and into the bathroom. I knew the tiles were cold yet I couldn’t feel it. I turned the water on and jumped in letting it rain on me. I couldn’t feel the water splashing my skin. I obviously had it hot because my skin was turning an odd red. I got out after scrubbing my body and hair and dried off. I braided my hair to side and put on my mother’s house coat, since I didn’t have any clothes in here and my clothes from last night were covered in blood from the accident I needed something to put on my body. I walked into the hallway. Most of the pictures were gone. I went into my room and to my surprise everything was gone. Except for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt along with my red bobs. I slid into my boot cut dark wash jeans and put on my Ed Sheeran T-shirt along with my bobs. I don’t really care about my appearance at all right now.  I trotted into the living room to find Simon gone along with all the bags. I sat on the couch and just stared. At what? Nothing I was just completely zoned out. I stayed that way for I am not sure how long. Just thinking about my mother and her death. I was so instant. Had I been in the same car as her I would have been killed as well. I feel like I am in a bad dream. I really wish someone would hurry and wake me up because this is horrible. I have never felt so… Alone. A hand waving in front of me face snaps me out of my thoughts.

“Eliza? Did you hear me? The taxi is here. We are heading to the airport.” Uncle Simon was waving his hands in my face like a crazy person.

“Yeah. I’m coming.” I whispered before sliding my headphones in my ears and walking towards the door. I stopped and took one last look at what I would never see again. My home. Along with all those memories, the good and bad. I would miss this place. I would miss my mom. I try my best not to cry as my mother’s favorite song comes on my iPod. I quickly skip it and listen to Moments by One Direction instead. Not much better. I still have to fight the tears but oh well. I will be doing a lot of that from now on.

Liams POV




We are all worried about Simon. We were in the middle of a meeting; we had been talking about some new song ideas when Simons phone rings. Simon always turns his phone off or down before meetings so this surprised us all. He answered it after looking at the caller ID and his face went from annoyance to horror in two seconds. He jumped up and left just like that! Now no one knows where the heck he is! Or what that call was about! All we found out was he went to America, and that he is coming back today. He called late last night and told me to meet him at the airport in the morning along with the other boys. He sounded tired, he sounded like he had been crying. But Simon never cries. I just hope everything is ok.

Simons POV

We were finally on the plane. Eliza had not said a word since we left the house. I don’t think she ate anything either. She keeps sniffing and blinking really fast as if to hold back tears. She acts so strong sometimes, just for the sake of others around her. No. Eliza is strong. Losing two parents and not getting either back is tough. It takes strength. Something I am afraid Eliza may not have much left of.  Eliza had planned to move to London when she turned eighteen to become a dancer. I just don’t think her mother’s death had been in the plan. I looked over at her. She was beautiful. Long blonde hair, blue eyes. Perfect features. And oh so talented! She just sat there, looking out the window listening to the music in her headphones. I laid back in my seat and decided to catch up on my much needed rest. I was going to have to explain a lot to a lot of people when I got home! So I would need as much energy as I could get!

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