Chapter 24

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Has anyone checked out @singerchic03? Please do! Comment or Like one of her chapters and then comment on mine telling me you did so and I will dedicate a chapter to you or advertise one of your storys! I like this chapter, its fun i think, nothing really important happens but this had to happen in order for the next chapter to happen. Okay? Okay! Okay so Thank you my lovlies! And dont forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!<3<3


Chapter 24

Eliza’s POV



Fast forward to the day they leave for tour


It is five freaking am, and I am at the airport waiting on the freaking airplane to take us to our first spot. As you can tell I hate waking up early. So right now I am laying in one of the very uncomfortable little chairs, with my head in Niall’s lap and my legs in Louis’s. I am not the most comfortable person in the world right now, but I am so tired, and so easily annoyed. I swear if Louis doesn’t leave my legs alone I am going to punch his head off. I know there are no bugs on my legs, so he really doesn’t have to keep hitting me!

Hayley has her legs on Harry and her head on Liam, fast asleep. Ragan and Ashton are Skyping with their boyfriends while Zayn makes funny faces behind them. The rest of the dancers, weeellll….. They are all giving us three dirty looks. But I mean how many of them actually have a personal relationship with One Direction? Every time I catch a girl looking at me with a mean look I just smile really big at her, or make funny faces. It makes them even madder but it makes me feel better. I am not usually like this; I just hate getting up at three in the morning. Uncle Simon seems better though. Life sort of went back to normal when he got back. He apologized for leaving, I forgave him even though I didn’t see the need for him to say sorry, he deserved the time away. We all handle things in our own ways. If his is running away and being alone for a week then so be it. Who am I to stand in his way? Life went back to the norm well as normal as it ever has been for me. I would stay home alone during the day, unless I went out with Hayley, Ashton and Ragan, or just Hayley, and Uncle Simon would go to work. At the end of the day he would come home and we would go out to eat or I would cook something. Every time I went out I was attacked by paps, Hayley has become known as Eliza William’s Best Friend and a few other things. She has actually had people ask for her a picture. It was funny because she called me screaming afterwards.

 I even saw a magazine with a picture of the boys me and Hayley on the cover, I was sitting between Niall and Louis and they were both looking at me laughing and I was smiling, Hayley was sitting between Liam and Harry on the other side of the table, they were all laughing. Zayn was at the end holding his stomach from laughing so hard. I remember that day, we were all at Nandos because Hayley had never eaten there before, and I said something to one of the boys that apparently they found funny, I don’t exactly remember what.  That was a really fun day. 

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Louis getting up, which of course since I was on top of him, results in me falling in the floor.

“Thank you Louis.” I scowl at him.

“Sorry Liza Bear!” He says with that stupid nickname he gave me. He reaches out and grabs my hand. I jump up and then jump on his back.

“Onward peasant!” I yell. Thank God there is almost no one here this early

Louis takes off towards the gate, passing the rest of the group. He starts slowing down but then Harry passes him with Hayley on his back.

“Louis, I am not losing to Harry freaking Styles anytime soon! Move it!!” I yell my voice getting louder as he runs faster.

“Dang girl, it’s a good thing your light!”  Louis yells back, I laugh in response.

I see the gate! We are so close!

With Harry and Hayley right beside us we come to a halt at the gate, but we don’t stop in time. We slide, I scream, Hayley screams, Harry screams, Louis screams. We all scream until we collapse on the ground. Harry on top of Hayley, Louis on top of me.

“Oh my gosh! I can’t breathe! Harry get your fat butt of me! Oh I am dying! You’re crushing my lungs! Aaaagh!” Hayley yells then pretends to pass out. Louis gets up and pulls me up with him.

“Thank you my noble steed! You ran a good race! Maybe later you may have a carrot!” I smile rubbing the top of his head. He jumps up and down like a little kid at the word ‘carrot’

I give the lady my ticket and get on the plane. I get to ride first class with Hayley and the rest of the boys. And Uncle Simon.  I take my seat and put my head phones in. This would be a long flight, might as well let Ed’s perfect voice put me to sleep. 

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