Chapter 20

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Hope you enjoy this chapter! I loveeeeeeee whats going to happen while they are on tour!!:) I get so excited when i think about it!!!! Anyway! I still dont know which guy to choose!! I need to know how you want her first date with whoever to go! I need to know what you want to happen and stuff! Thanks Lovelies! Dont forget to Vote and Comment!! Thanks again!!<3


Chapter 20

Eliza’s POV


We arrived at Uncle Simon’s house around thirty minutes later. Well, I guess it’s my house too now. It still feels really weird calling mine. My house should be in America, with my mom. But, I have learned that in life, you can’t always get what you want. Even happy endings. But as Ed Sheeran once said, “Everything will be okay in the end, if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end” I guess that means this is nowhere near the ending of my story. In fact, this is probably just the beginning of a new one. I mean, going on tour with five famous boys, that I have a major crush on is a story all to its self. 

Ragan snaps me out of my thoughts when she drops a bowl of popcorn in my lap.

“Okay, Would You Rather or Truth or Dare?” She asks excitedly.

“I am good with either!” I reply

“Me too.” Ashton agrees

“Can we play those later?” Hayley begs

“Fine! What do you want to do now then?” Ragan asks

“Let’s just talk.” Hayley says.

Cue awkward silence.

“It would be fun if the boys were here.” Ragan says, her eyes drifting off into no man’s land.

Hayley elbows her in the side, making her wince. Hayley makes eye movement towards me, telling Ragan to shut up. Ragan obeys and stuffs her mouth with popcorn.

“If you had one wish what would you wish for?” Ashton asks no one in particular.

“Obviously I’d wish for unlimited wishes!” Hayley replies in a ‘duh’ voice

“Okay Miss. Sassy! You go.” Ashton responds

“What’s your favorite song?” Hayley asks to everyone

Ragan goes first. “Hmm, I would have to say ‘We Can’t Stop’ by Miley Cyrus, I love the music to that song!”

“Ewe, I hate that song!” Hayley says. “I like ‘Cruise’, but I like the one with Nelly!”

“Ugh, you and your country music!” Ashton says “I like ‘When I Was Your Man’. What about you Eliza?” Ashton directs the question towards me; I had been off in la la land thinking about which guy I should come clean to about my feelings.

“Oh Uhm I like, ‘The a Team’” I say, shaking the thoughts away. ‘The A Team’ was my mom’s favorite song. So now it’s mine, it reminds me of her.

I looked over at my phone.

2:00 AM

Time flew by

“Guys, I am fixing to sound really lame but can we go to sleep? I am exhausted!” I throw my hands up.

Hayley laughs. “You seriously just read my mind!” She stands up and pulls me up with her, Ashton and Ragan do the same, yawning at the same time.

We all take our places around the living room, two on each couch. The couches are fairly large so it can fit two teenage girls comfortably. 

“Goodnight!” I call out

“Goodnight!” The girls respond in unison.


“I will take my car so I can leave if I get too tired.” I say to my mom while sliding into the driver’s seat of my silver Altima.

“Okay, follow behind me and I will show you how to get there.” She responds sliding into her red one.

I smile and turn on the ignition, I buckle my seat belt and follow behind mom. We stop at the first stoplight, it turns green on our end, mom slowly makes her way across the road. I follow right behind.

I take a look out my window to see a truck coming full speed, probably with no intention to stop. I slam on my breaks just as the truck slams into the back of moms car. Her car jerks back and hits mine. I jerk forward and hit my head on the stirring wheel. Before I even know what I am doing I am out of the car and run to my mom.

“Mom!” I scream, pulling my phone out to call 911

I see her life-less body, covered in blood, all scratched up. My mind spins, trying to remember what I learned in health class. I look for any obvious spinal injuries before pulling her out of the broken window, careful not to cut her up even more. Luckily my mom is fit and light.

I check and time her pulse, its slowing. Before my brain has time to actually register what’s happing an ambulance is beside me. They picked my mother up and put her in the back of the truck.


I wake up screaming, with Hayley, Ragan and Ashton by my side.

“Eliza, are you okay?” Hayley asks, running her hands through my hair

“Yeah, just nightmare is all.” I reply shakily

“About your mom?” Ashton asks, eyes filled with worry.

“How did you know?”

“You were screaming for her.” Ragan says

“Oh, yeah but it’s okay, let’s just go back to sleep.”


Comment Which Guy and What Their Fist Date Will Be Like! Thank You!!:) 

Simon Cowells Niece *Book 1*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ