Chapter 21

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I have had lots of people tell me Louis or Niall. Soooo i am probably going to choose one of them, but i am not going to tell you which one i choose:) YOU have to read and find out!:) Mwahaha! LOL So thank you my pretty little lovelies for being such awesome readers and possibly fans(: I LOVE YOU<3 dont forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Tell me what you want to happen, i am thinking of making this a series. I have some very intresting ideas!! Okay so give me ideas of things you would want to happen in the book! Okay? Okay! Simon is coming soon too! Okay i am done rambling! Thanks again!<3


Next chapter will probably be them leaving for tour, idk. Okay i am really done this time!

Continue Reading My Lovelies!!



Chapter 21

Hayley's POV

Eliza was not okay, I knew that. But I don't know what to do! I don't want to push the problem but I don't exactly want to just leave it hanging either. I don't know. I looked at the clock to see it was eight thirty, might as well find some food. I make my way to the huge kitchen. I fry some bacon and make some pancakes along with scrambled eggs. I make some tea and some coffee too, just in case; I don't know what Eliza likes. I fill my plate with pancakes and bacon, no eggs, and pour myself some tea. It doesn't take long for me to scarf down the (not to brag) amazing food. Being the bored and curious person I am I decide to look around. I tie my hair into a messy bun and head for the first door I see. Laundry room. Mega Laundry Room to be exact. I shut the door and go to a clear slide door with white lace curtains. I open it and step out onto the back patio; there was a huge pool complete with diving board, a hot tub and a mini bar. It was like the perfect get away. Yeah, I could get use to this. I knock on the front door wakes me from my thoughts I shut the slide door and look through the peek hole in the front door. I am not about to let some pap in. I laugh when I see Louis making funny faces at the little hole, he leans back to reveal the four other boys. I smile even wider when I see Liam.

Okay Hayley, you CANNOT let it be obvious that you like him! He doesn't like you! He is famous, you aren't remain calm around him, he is completely normal!

After my mini pep-talk I run over and wake up the girls.

"Eliza, the boys are here, I made food!" I coo. She jumps up from the couch. She pulls her hair into a ponytail and opens the door.

"Will you wake up Ashton and Ragan?" She asks I nod in response.

"Ashton! Ragan! Get your lazy butts up! Move it move it move it! Let's go people!" I yell at the top of my lungs

Ashton moans and falls off the couch which earns a laugh from a half awake half asleep Ragan. Ashton gets back up and untangles her hair with her fingers, while Ragan ties hers up in a messy bun. Eliza opens the door to reveal five boys.

"I smell bacon, and pancakes and eggs!" Niall says running towards the kitchen

"Hello ladies" Harry wiggles his eyebrows taking a seat next to Ragan.

"I have a boyfriend." Ragan plainly states. Harry moves next to Ashton

"Me too." She smirks. Harry sits next to me and gives me a puppy dog face.

"I don't, but I'm not interested." I say in a disgusted tone. Its obvious Eliza likes him, why is he flirting with everyone except her? Ugh, guys are idiots.

Harry gets up to take a phone call, probably from the blondie. Liam takes his seat next to me. My heart flutters a little inside. Okay maybe more than a little, more like a lot.

"Can you believe we will all be together for one year on tour?" Zayn randomly asks

"Can you believe we leave in a week?" Eliza asks

Wow, one year with Liam. One year of him not knowing how I really truly feel. One year, feeling broken and alone. Yay.

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