Chapter 14

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Once again let me just say how AWESOME you guys are and how much I LOVE YOU!!<3 This is probably the last update until the weekend, it all depends. I may or may not be leaving tomorrow. Not sure. anywaysss Here is Chapter 14! I still need to know who will end up with Eliza! I didn't get enough votes, sooo vote again or I may just draw out of a hat. LOL So continue on my lovelies and thanks sooo much for sticking with me! Vote and Comment!!!:)

P.S Next chapter will probably Simons POV since it doesn't explain much about him in this chapter, sorry about that:)


Chapter 14

Eliza’s POV

When I got home that night Uncle Simon was gone, there was a note on the fridge saying he was going to be at one of his other houses for a while. I guess he needed a vacation, since this house did hold so many memories. He called and asked if I wanted to go, I said no due to the fact that I am now a background dancer! I still feel all giddy and excited when I think about it!

I strolled up the staircase and into my room. I peeled my clothes off and soaked in a nice warm bubble bath. I hadn’t done hard core dancing like that in a while; it just made me realize how out of shape I really am. Fat? No, just out of shape.  Am I going to do anything about it? Absolutely not! That would require waaay to much physical movement. Now you know why I am out of shape!

I jump out of the tub and slide into some black pajama shorts and a blue and lime green Hollister shirt. It was old, comfy and had paint splatters on it from when I painted my room, which is why I sleep in it. And I am just too lazy to actually find a pajama shirt. Being too lazy to back down stairs and watch TV I decide to go to bed. Dang, I am so lazy lately! I blame it on Olivia for making me do all those work-out-drill-thingys.

I slide underneath my purple and black comforter and drift off into a peaceful sleep, this is the first night since the accident, that I haven’t had a nightmare.



I awaken to a bright light leaking from my window and onto my face.

Did I seriously forget to shut the curtains? Ugh.  

I have the sudden urge to get out of bed and actually do something. Wonder where that came from?

I slowly scoot out from underneath the covers. I should really hang out with some girls today, I don’t want to annoy the boys by hanging out with them too much. I decide to call Hayley, Ashton and Ragan and ask if they want to do anything.

After the first ring Hayley answers.

“Hello?” her chirpy voice on the other end asks.

“Hey, Hayley! I was wondering if you, Ashton and Ragan wanted to do something today?”  I practically breathe out the words.

“Yea! Totally! I’ll wake em up! I will pick you up in about….. An hour? And we can go shopping! Sound good?”

“Yea! Great! See ya then!”

And with that we hung up.

I was wearing my flare jeans and a long sleeve yellow sweater with a white tank underneath; I put a floral scarf around my neck and put on my light blue BOBS. I grabbed my purse and put my phone, wallet and keys inside. I also put on my mother’s earrings. Just a little something to keep her close. My hair was straight and I did a light coat of makeup.

I stared at myself in the mirror. My eyes lingered on my mother’s earrings. I know they were just earrings, but they reminded me so much of her. I missed her so bad. It has been almost a week. A week without my mother used to be nothing, when I knew that I could come home anytime, and she would be there waiting for me. I dabbed my eyes to get rid of the tears that were starting to form. I couldn’t think of this right now.  I had shopping to do!

Thirty minutes later a burnt orange colored bug (the car) pulled into my driveway. I strolled outside and got into the front next to Hayley, whom was driving. We talked and laughed and sung (horribly) all the way to the mall.

Three hours later, we had been to almost every store in record time. We almost bought everything too. We had just finished lunch and were about to shop again, when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I asked, not looking at the caller ID before answering.

“Hey Eliza, its Liam!”

“Oh hey Liam, what’s up?”

“Oh, nothing… The lads and I were wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out today, since Simon is gone… and we are kinda bored.”  Oh gosh, I love British accents on guys!

“Uhm, I am kinda with Hayley, Ashton and Ragan right now.” I mumbled

“Oh that’s okay, they can come too if you want.” I could hear him begging. So I gave in

“Okay we will be over in about thirty minutes.”

“Okay see you then!” I hung up and put my phone back into my pocket. Smiling wide at the girls.

“What’s up?” Ragan asked.

“We are going to the boy’s house.”

Simon Cowells Niece *Book 1*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara