Chapter 9

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HEY EVERYONE!!! Sooooooo I am finally updating! This is going to be a short chapter... Just because I have to go to dance practice soon! Sorry! But Softball season is over so I will (or should) Be able to update more! Anywayzzz I HAVE ALMOST 400 STINKIN READS!! WHAT?? YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!! I LOVE YOU SO DANG MUCH!!! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!! :D

Don't forget to Vote, and Comment and Promote and Fan and all that amazing jazz!!:)

HEY and if anyone makes me a trailer:) I'll dedicate a chapter to you and I'll check out your stuff!:) Thank you sooo much my Lovelies!!<3


Chapter 9

Eliza's POV

I grabbed all the picture books and placed them back in their shelves. I scrambled out of the room, wiping remaining tears away. I need to be happy! Not sad, I need to remember the times we had together and make new memories with other people! First idea that popped into my head was to call the boys. I felt happy around them, they made me forget. And I liked that. I pulled out my phone and dialed the first name I saw.


The phone rang twice before a wide awake Liam answered the phone.

"Hello?" He asked, sounding all happyish.

"Hey! Its Eliza.. I was wondering if you and the boys had plans for today. If not y'all wanna go do something?"

"Oh my gosh! I just love you accent so much! And no we don't have plans and yes we would love to do something! We will surprise you! We will be there in thirty!" And with that Liam Payne hung up on me.

I ran back up the staircase and changed into some dark wash short shorts, and my mustache tank top. I slipped into my black converse and ran back down. Uncle Simon had 'work' to do so we would be gone until late tonight. I really wish he wouldn't work after- Never mind. A little bit later the boys finally arrived. Zayn still looked like he was completely out of it. I got into the back of Louis's car and sat between Harry and Niall sitting next to Louis was Liam (in the front) and sitting next to Niall was Zayn, whom was lying on the window... asleep.

"So where are we going?" I begged. I hate not knowing where we are going! Hey! That rhymed! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!

"It's a surprise!" Liam said turning around to face me.

I turned on my puppy dog face, this worked every time on - Never mind.

"No! Don't look at me that way! Gosh! It's like your eyes are burning into my soul!!"

This made me double over in laughter!

Liam turned around and sulked, Niall tried his best to wake up Zayn who was now drooling all over the window, Louis was yelling at Niall to wake up Zayn so he didn't get drool on his window, and Harry was trying every pick up line he knew on me. This just made me laugh even more. Yea... Today was going to be good.


Next one will be longer! I promise!!:) Thank you for reading! YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!<3


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