The Bet and the Dare; part 1

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"I think we should hook up Kal and Grey," Brian announced in a calm voice. The sudden and undeniably random outburst earned him raised eyebrows and bemused looks. Alice laughed, tucked under Caleb's arm.

"Think that was random enough, Bri?" Spencer still had a highly arched eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. Dude- where the hell did that come from?" Brian merely shrugged.

"They're exactly alike," he defended himself. "Total whores with no ability to have a relationship. It'll make for a good laugh." Caleb pursed his lips and his gray eyes were laughing. Alice was grinning, as were the other eleven teenagers sitting in the room. The same thought ran through all theirs minds. 'So true...'

"I think we should do it," Caleb announced. "So- Who wants to take Kal?" No one raised their hand. He laughed. "We could always flip a coin." Seven of them, including Brian, raised their hands with the knowledge that the rest of the group would owe them. Kal was notorious for being... difficult.

Kalshan (Kal)

"Isn't that new Grey kid such a cutie?" Brandy raved to me. I rolled my eyes. Grey was new to the school and to my little group. We were occasionally at the same parties, but we were both always too preoccupied with whatever cute catches we'd gotten that night to introduce ourselves. I flopped down on the lush grass of the courtyard and stretched out my already bronzed limbs. I closed my eyes and the warm Vermont sun seeped through my lids, tinted red.

"He's okay," I yawned. I heard an exasperated groan that sounded more like Mariah then Brandy. Lovely, they were ganging up on me.

"You didn't even look at him!" I laughed. I had done plenty of looking. But I was so not going to admit it.

"So?" A small finger lifted my eyelid so I was forced to open my eyes. Candy sat above me, looking far too serious about the whole business. But that was Candy. She was opposite of her name. All business and very little sugar.

"So, he's hot. Maybe you should consider looking." Brian came into my view, his signature grin on his face.

"And he's a total whore. Just like you," he laughed. I just grinned back at him, hooking my leg behind his, and pulled so he collapsed on his stomach, barely missing falling on me. He rained an eyebrow. "Didn't know you wanted me like that, Kal," he purred. I shrugged.

"You do have a nice body." I ran my eyes over his chest, to his legs, and back up. "But I'm not sure you're my type. Don't have much... experience." Spencer crouched next to me with an evil grin spreading on his face.

"But Grey does."

"Yeah," Anthony muttered, "With my fucking sister." We all laughed. He was never going to get over that. Finally, I sat up.

"What the hell is it with all you, me, and Grey?" Aaron grinned wider, leaning against a tree, and held up three hundred dollar bills.

"None of us think you could keep up a relationship for six weeks," he informed me. Brian snatched the bills from his hand.

"So... We're ready to make a bet." I crossed my arms over my chest and sneered at him.

"Oh?" he held up the cash.

"Three-hundred that you don't last six weeks with Grey." I ground my teeth together, working my jaw. Not only was it three-hundred dollars I could use, but they were challenging me. And I was never one up turn down an overt challenge.

"Why should I?" I asked. "For money? I could just work more hours. And if I'm with one person, well, I'll be with one person." I made a face. They all laughed.

"Exactly," Brian smirked. I already knew I was going to take the bet. Such an offer was too much to turn down. I glanced over at Grey. And he was such a fine specimen. I kept on a poker face, not letting my friends on. Brian flapped the bills. His lips were still pulled back in a grin, revealing his strong, white teeth. Eventually, I shrugged.

"Are you all sure you're not just trying to hook me up with Grey?" I asked guardedly. They all gave me too innocent eyes.

"Would we do that?" Brian asked sweetly. We all laughed and burst out at the same moment,

"Um, yes!"

"Despite that I'm positive this is just some fucked up way to get me with Grey, I'll do it." They all grinned and slapped hands. Brandy got out her phone and accidentally sent out her text universally. Because, I too, got the message declaring

She's going 4 it!!!

I rolled my eyes. Little bastards were setting me up. Then I put my phone away and went back to sleeping in the grass.

Greyson (Grey)

It was lunch and, once again, the group was broken into two separate groups. Seven with me. And seven with her. Kal. God, she was gorgeous. Generally, as a rule, I didn't obsess over one single girl, I just went with many, but this one was worth the time. She was tall, slim but with delicious curves, a wonderful long neck, and long deep chestnut hair framing a face with a delicate nose, mouth and chin, but strong jaw and cheekbones, and huge, round deep blue eyes. I was staring again. Gavin bent in front of me, grinning hugely.

"Kal's pretty hot, right?" Beautiful would be a better adjective, but hot was pretty up there on the list of apt descriptions.

"Yeah," Alice laughed. I looked over at her sharply. Alice laughed at me a lot. At my sharp look she just shrugged.

"You couldn't keep that one's interest three weeks," she told me. Gabby, Sunny, and Anne all nodded in agreement. Caleb and Matt shrugged. Gavin patted me kindly on the shoulder, but his eyes were laughing.

"She kinda has a point," he told me. I looked to Caleb who gave me a wry smile and another small shrug.

"It's true," he confirmed. "I've been friends with the girl forever. She's always been fickle." I looked over at her. Her blue eyes pierced through mine as she looked at me. She rolled her eyes and turned her little group, but she was laughing. I wondered what it would be like to have those great teeth set on me. It was an appealing thought.

"I'll do it." They all looked at me. "Keep her. And for longer than three weeks. Six weeks. I'll keep her twice as long." I could have whoever wanted and quite frequently did. I grinned. "I can tackle her." In so many more ways than one.

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