The Bet and the Dare; part 28

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I woke in the morning to someone lightly shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I realized I was in the tasteful lobby of the Ritz, curled up in one of the chairs, with a steward shaking me awake.

"Miss, would you like some coffee?" he asked. I rubbed my eyes.

"What? Oh, coffee. Yes, please," I croaked out. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to guess at my state of appearance. I knew I had to look like shit, still in the thin purple tank top I'd worn to bed the night before and a pair of jeans. My hair had to be in a state of total disarray and my makeup was probably smudged. It was also rather chilly in the lobby. However, I couldn't bring myself to go up to the suite where Greyson waited.

"Here you are, miss. Can I get you anything else?" the young man asked, cool and professional.

"No, that will be all for now," I answered. "Thank you." He gave a nod and walked off. I cradled the coffee in my hands, deeply inhaling the smell before I took a sip. It was a bold, fruity blend. Probably Ethiopian. Very good. I ran my fingers through my hair again, wishing I could get up the balls to go up to the suite. But I couldn't. I couldn't face him after last night and throwing him off. After everything I told him. But the truth was...

"Kalshan?" I looked up at the deep voice to see a tall young man with a nice swimmer's build, chiseled, aristocratic features, dark hair and blue eyes looking at me. A grin touched my lips. I put my coffee down at threw myself into his arms.

"Laurence!" I cried out.


When I woke there was no one beside me in the bed. I wandered around the penthouse suite looking for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Her phone was still on the bedside table. I figured she'd just gone down for breakfast and shrugged it off to go jump in the shower. I would fetch her and demand and explanation after I was clean. The hot water soothed my tense muscles after a rather restless, sleepless night. I'd been plagues by thoughts of Kal.

I wanted her. I loved her. Her everything. Her melodic voice, her smooth, impenetrable exterior and the wondrously soft interior of her soul. I loved it when she smiled and laughed. I loved it when she cried and let me hold her. I loved the way her chestnut hair smelled like lavender and vanilla. And I loved her strength. She was so different from every girl I'd ever known. So fragile, yet so strong at the same time. And I wanted her for myself and only myself.

I jumped out of the shower and quickly dried and dressed. I had to find her and tell her. The elevator was moving too slow for my taste, and I couldn't stop fidgeting. The other people riding with me gave me odd looks as we rode down. When the car stopped again I got off and ran for the stairs. I sprinted down, taking them three at a time. By the time I reached the bottom, I was out of breath. But I was sure I would see Kalshan down there. And I did. Running into the arms of a tall, dark haired young man, maybe a couple years older than us. She looked so happy to see him. She let him hold her, run his hands caressingly through her hair. My chest aching, I turned and ran up the stairs before she could see me.


don't be expecting two uploads a day. I just happen to be absurdly sick, so I've been home for a couple days now. Soon I should be back to one a week. Sorry. :/

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