The Bet and the Dare; part 33

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My heart was beating so hard and fast I could feel it in my temples. The quick tempo filled my ears, blocking out all other sounds. The world blurred, then cleared, then blurred again in my eyes. In front of my house. They were in front of my house. April. She hadn't exactly been the best mother, but she cared to the best of her ability. Please let her be okay, I prayed to whatever power existed.

Hastily, I opened the door and lurched forward out of the slow moving car. Pavement pounded against my feet as I sprinted with everything I had towards the scene. Towards the body bag. People were yelling at me, but I ignored them all, and opened the body bag. April's face, so like mine, was there. Completely still. No life to be seen. Her eyes were glassy, her lips unnaturally pale, her skin rather grey.

At seeing her body, I felt something in me ease down, go absurdly calm. I zipped the body bag back up and waved the people carting my mother's body away off. Greyson's SUV was just pulling up in front of my house. He mouthed, "April?" I tried to nod, tried to indicate that yes, it was her. But, calm as I felt, I couldn't move anything. Around me, I could see mouths moving, but I realized I couldn't hear them. I could hear only the steady thud of my heart. It was still there. I was shocked.

In the car I could see Kariana fumbling with her booster seat. It occurred to me to go help her, but I still couldn't move. The managed it alone, though, and was soon running towards me. The moment her small arms wrapped around my waist, I felt everything rush to me in a moment. Suddenly, I could hear all the chaos and noise rushed to my ears. Feeling I hadn't known I'd lost in my limbs, returned. And the calm left. I gasped and collapsed to my knees in front of Kari.

"Kal?" she asked in a scared voice. "Kal, what's happening?" Forcing composure I held Kariana close to comfort her as she was obviously confused and scared.

"It's going to be okay. I promise Kari. I'm not going to let anything happen to us." She nodded against my shoulder in absolute trust. Greyson got out of the car and came to stand over us. His protective look suddenly turned to one of being pissed off. I looked over my shoulder to see the officer that had been there the night of the attack on April.

"Look," Greyson sneered. "It's officer asshole." It would have been funny if dread wasn't filling me. How was I going to take care of myself, let alone Kariana? I was beyond a mess right now. I didn't have it in me to deal with my own shit, let alone make sure Kariana had a good life. But I couldn't exactly give her to someone else to take care of. She may have been my little sister, but I loved her more like a daughter for me. I wasn't going to give her up. As if sensing what I was thinking, she fisted her small hands in my hair.

"Look, it's the delinquents who have missed a full weeks of school. What, were you off fucking for a full week." I felt my eyes flashed and I glared up at him.

"Excuse me. I'll ask you to not speak so crudely in front of Karina."

"What? Is she your "love" child?" he asked in a mocking voice. Angry heat rose to my cheeks, and just as I prepared to blow up in the officer's face, a calm, deep voice came from behind us. I felt myself relax at the familiar voice of Brandy's dad.

"Is there a problem, officer?" he asked. The officer shook his head quickly. "Then I'll ask you to leave. You're no longer needed at this scene." He nodded, saluted Tom, and quickly left.

"Are you okay, Kal?" Tom asked me. I really wished people wouldn't ask that at moments like this. Of course I wasn't okay. I hadn't been okay before, and I certainly wasn't now. Still, I nodded.

"Yes. I'll be fine." He knelt next to me. Tom was only thirty-nine, but he already had fine crow's feet and grey hair at his temples from years on the police force. Too much stress was never good for one's aging process. I was amazed the thought could even run through my head with all that was happening.

"I didn't ask if you're going to be fine. I asked if you're fine now." I just looked at him for a moment, not saying anything.

"What do you think?" I finally asked.

"You can stay with Brandy and me," he offered. "You don't have to get everything together right now." I shook my head.

"No. Thank you, but no. I do have to get it together now, otherwise I'm never going to get it together." He nodded. Tom got it. His wife had died five years before, he remembered what it was like, suddenly having your world shift.

"Okay. Your house will be ready for you in three days. Until then I suggest you stay with a friend." Greyson stepped forward and put a hand on my shoulder possessively.

"She'll be staying with me." I felt myself stiffen, but didn't contradict him for the moment. Kariana didn't need to hear arguments right now. She needed things calm. Later then...


"What do you mean you're not going to stay with me?" I asked Kalshan. We were both standing in Max's plush office, arguing. Kariana had been put down in my room for the night. I'd have put her in one of the guest rooms, but I figured mine was more child-friendly.

"Exactly that," she answered. "I'll stay here tonight, but tomorrow I'm going to be finding an apartment close by the school. I'm going to get a part time job. I have perfect grades, so I can easily get a scholarship. This way I'll be able to support myself and Kari. I'm sure even April wasn't dumb enough to not get a will and life insurance." Before I could answer that, Maximus strode into the room, holding a couple official looking files and with his new lawyer in tow.

"Kalshan, dear, I'm so sorry to hear what's happened." He actually sounded sincere as he took her hands and kissed both Kal's cheeks. She allowed it, but didn't look too pleased.

"Thank you," she answered stiffly. Either completely oblivious to her obvious coolness or simply unconcerned, Greyson opened up the files on top of his desk and gestured Kalshan over.

"The house is completely paid off and your mother saved up enough funds to keep it without you having a job. With everything she left you and her life insurance which I insisted she get, you and Kariana should be able to live quite comfortably together until your both done with college."

"Thank you, Max, but no," Kalshan answered. He gave her a questioning look. "I'm not that stupid. I know the "funds" will be coming form you. And while I appreciate the thought, I'd rather take care of myself. With money that's been earned honestly. Not through whoring women out and god knows what else." Max's eyes flashed slightly and he grabbed Kalshan's arm, stopping her. Suddenly, he had a gun pressed up against his chest. I wondered when Kalshan had had the time to get a gun. I'd been with her almost the whole afternoon and evening.

"Let me go, Maximus. I'm really not in the mood to deal with this right now. I will allow your hospitality for the night simply because I have no where else to go. In the morning, however, I will be leaving." Max let her go and backed away. Kalshan turned on her heel and left the room. I followed after her. I wanted to reach out and grab her as well, but I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of having a gun pressed up against my chest.

"Kalshan, wait!" She turned to me, thankfully not raising the mini Uzi. I felt my eyes widen. Where the hell had she gotten an Uzi?

"Where'd you get that?" I asked. She shrugged.

"It was in your drawer." Oh. That explained it. It my Uzi. Great. I was providing a reckless girl with heavy weaponry.

"Kalshan, what are you really planning on doing?" I asked her.

"Honestly, Greyson, it's not your business."

"I'm your boyfriend!" I protested. "I love you. I think it is my business." Kalshan raised an eyebrow.

"That's all one-sided, Greyson. All you. Not me." Her voice was harsh as she turned away from me and kept going down the hall. "All my problem. Not yours." I wanted to ask her, what if I wanted it to be my problem? But I didn't think it would make a difference.


Here it is! Part 33. You all are no longer hanging as to who is dead. And I'm sure you all think Kalshan and Greyson will end up together forever. But they might not. Or they might. I really don't know at this point. haha. Love you all! xoxo~Ash

p.s. in case anyone cares, I got 2nd place at my race yesterday! :D

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