The Bet and the Dare; part 25

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Anabelle looked stunned, making me more amused. With her model good looks and the feeling of superior control she gave off, I doubted anyone ever crossed her. And being Greyson's sister, even less people were likely to approach Anabelle Beaumont. However, I was damned if I was going to let some pretty little girl snub me for no apparent reason.

"Why the hell would you laugh at me?" she snapped. I just smiled serenely at her tone.

"I'm not laughing," I told her calmly. Her eyes narrowed.

"You look amused," she accused. I raised my eyebrows, still calm and contained.

"You're quite amusing," I answered. Angry color raised up her neck and to her cheeks. Greyson had an odd look on his face I couldn't quite place. Anabelle just looked shocked. I wanted to laugh but forced myself to keep my calm composure. Actually laughing outright at her wouldn't endear me to Anabelle at all. I knew it was mean to be so amused by her reaction, but I couldn't help it. It was SO classic. Twins start out close. One twin finds new love other twin gets jealous and possessive.

"Well you're quite the bitch," she retorted. I shrugged, allowing the comment. It wasn't exactly untrue. I was quite the bitch. Then again, so was she. Or, she was at the moment. I had a feeling underneath her prickly exterior she had the potential to be sweet. Her glare hardened. Um, she MAYBE had the potential to be sweet.

"Thank you," I replied sweetly. She gaped at me.

"Jesus Christ, Grey, where the hell did you find her?" Daren shrugged and answered in the same easy tone I'd taken on,

"School." Before Anabelle could respond, a nurse hustled into the room and whispered something to Greyson. He nodded and told us,

"I'll be right back. Try not to tear out Kalshan's throat, Anabelle." She just glared in response at Greyson's retreating back. We looked at each other for a moment, and then the shouting started...


Apparently Mr. Berkeley had ordered Anabelle removed from the institution. He said the family didn't want her there anymore.

"That's a lie," I told the nurse as we walked down the hall. She nodded seriously.

"I don't doubt that. When he told us you wanted her removed I looked at her file and saw that drug addiction runs in your family." She gave me a look. "Most families where there's been a history of drugs don't pull their family members out of rehab early." I nodded.

"I don't want her removed for any reason. And my wishes are legally what need to be followed." It was true. When Maximus had moved me away where I could no longer influence our mother, I'd gotten the court to rule in favor of allowing Anabelle and I to make out own medical decisions. I knew something like this would come up one day, and I wouldn't trust either of our parents to deal with the situation properly.

"Good. I wouldn't want Anabelle out any sooner than you had originally planned." Neither would I. A month just wouldn't cut it for heroin addiction. It took a month just to detox yourself. The two remaining months were spent healing, and even after that, you were never really normal, entirely whole again.

"I just need you to sign this," she told me when we reached the room in the mansion that the nurses used as an office of sorts. I scanned through the paper, then signed.

"While we're here, can I get you anything?" she asked. "Coffee, juice."

"Yes, coffee, please." She got a mug from the cupboard and filled it with coffee from the machine. I took the cup gratefully and we walked back to Anabelle's room in silence. I cringed slightly as I went to open the door, expecting the worst. I gaped when I saw the scene inside. Kalshan was sitting on the bed, braiding Anabelle's hair. Girls. I swore I would never understand them.


Hey! it's friday! haha, just felt the need to state the obvious. Anyway, i hope you all like this installment. Sorry it's so short, but i got to get to bed. Up dark and early for the first meet of the season! WISH ME LUCK!!! xoxox~Ash

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