The Bet and the Dare; part 35

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I stalked into another room of the house and got dressed. Actually leaving Greyson's house would have been much more effective in making my point, however, I was stark naked and had virtually nowhere else to go. So instead I proceeded into a spare bed room and tugged on cloths, quickly brushing away the tears that spilled over my cheekbones. They came too fast, though, and I couldn't make them all go away. Frustrated, I slammed my fist hard into the wall. Not just once, not even just twice. Probably not even just ten times. I just continued punching and punching the same spot until I finally just collapsed on the spot.

It was all juts so screwed up. I was supposed to live out high school then go on to a big university somewhere in California. Alone. I'd been going to get a job and send for Kari, take care of her. Alone. Live my life. Alone. I wasn't supposed to need anyone like this. Dependency hadn't been an issue for me since I was eight years old. Then suddenly Greyson came along and ruined that for me! He got in the way of my plan. It had been a good plan, dammit! All I had wanted was to be able to take care of myself, not so much to ask, and yet I couldn't even achieve that.

I glanced at the clock and determined it was time to go. I was going to be late for class as it was, better not just skip and entire hour. As if it really mattered. An entire week had gone by and the school probably hadn't even called my house. More than likely, Greyson had someone deal with it for us. I went back into the room where my stuff was, and Greyson no longer occupied, and grabbed my school bag. Sitting on the dresser was a key and a note in his elegant handwriting,

These are the keys to the black Mercedes.

It is yours to use as you need.

Tears began to well up in my eyes again. Even after I'd been so horrible to him, he was still so concerned about my well-being. And I hadn't even done anything to deserve it. Angrily, I swiped the tears away again. I wanted to stomp my foot like a child. I had nothing to feel bad about! It was not my fault he was "so in love." Hurting like this was ridiculous because I hadn't done anything! Yet, still, I felt guilty as hell. Forcing the feeling off, I made my way down the stairs and to the car. Time to face the hounds of high school.


Not even going to school definitely crossed my mind. In face, it more than crossed my mind. It was a very conscious decision I made to NOT go to school. I simply couldn't bare to face Kal. Not after what she said. She didn't love me. Again, a small pang came in my chest. She was lying, I knew she was lying. It was so very clear in her eyes that she felt for me exactly what I felt for her.

But it still hurt that she continued to deny it. Over and over. No matter how many times I told her I loved her, I knew she would never admit it until she was ready. But I feared by then it could be too late. A person's heart could take only so much abuse before it simply gave out. So instead of going to school, I went to the park I'd recently discovered with thick tall trees, lush green grass, and a beautiful blue lake. The area was soothing, with the runners jogging through, the mothers sitting on benches watching over their children as they played.

I got out of my car and made my way down to the trees. They were close together and thick being part of a forest so the interior was dim and cool. And moist. I loved the way the moisture in the air clung to my skin and hair, dampening it slightly. As I walked farther in, I heard a moan off to the right. My first thought was, 'get a room.' But then I realized, it was the moan of a hurt person. I turned and sprinted in that direction until I reached a small clearing.



Okay, so, maybe I won't get it out as soon as I wanted. I'm kind of forcing myself to have a life because I feel bad about ignoring my friends all the time for writing and homework. But the new installment should be out soon. xoxo~Ash

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