The Bet and the Dare; part 6

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okay, so this chapter, part, thing isn't like hilarious, just kind of a few pages to get to know Greyson and Kalshan a bit better. But there are some amusing parts. hope you like it. :)

ps, thanks to those who commented and voted for me! But i may not be able to post for a few days. Gotta get started on my schoolwork. Honors English is a bitch



I sat in my room that first evening of dating Greyson, of that's what it could be called, thinking of revenge tactics. He'd called me Buttercup more times than I could count that day and, god damn it, I was going to get back at him one way or another. I opened my laptop and started brainstorming ideas. But none of them seemed obvious enough. I would have to tell him why I was getting back at him. Suddenly, an idea struck. I picked up my phone and called up Mariah.


"Hey Mariah."

"Oh, hey Kal! What's up?" I grinned to myself. This was going to be the hard part, convincing Mariah. After this, it was all going to come easy. I would get back at Greyson and win my bet.

"Remember in that old movie Big Fat Liar with Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes?" Mariah paused for a moment.


"Remember the pool scene?" This time her answer came immediately, but her voice was hesitant. She knew I was up to something.


"Okay. Good. That's going to take a lot of dye, right?" She didn't answer, so I answered for her. "Yes. Do your parents still have that buttercup yellow color in their shop?" Her parents ran a shop specializing in heavy duty dyes.

"Yes." She paused for a moment, and I let it ink in for a minute. "No, you can't have it."

"It's been in the shop for like five years," I whined.

"Yes, but I know why you want it."

"Have it at my house at twelve tonight?" I asked. She sighed.

"Fine." I grinned and hung up. Just as I was about to open Google earth and call Caleb Kariana walked into my room. I closed my laptop and patted the bed next to me.

"What's up, honey?" I asked. She pointed outside my room.

"A boy is at the door for you." I got up and went to the door. That wasn't exactly uncommon. I had a lot of guy friends and... that bastard.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He grinned at me. That boyish grin that made my heart skip a few beats. God, how did he do it?! I looked him over and it didn't help anything. No one should have been allowed to look so hot in such a simple outfit as dark jeans and a black button down, rolled up to the elbows and the top three buttons unbuttoned so their perfectly smooth chest... I forced my mind to stop right there.

"I've come to take you to dinner. Hope you like Greek." I turned and smiled at Karina.

"Kari, sweetie, would you go to your room?" She put on a pout but did as I asked. I turned back to Grey. "I can't leave the house. Kari's babysitter isn't coming tonight." A car pulled up and Grey stayed quiet as the young woman walked up my driveway and to the door. She looked over Greyson, grinned, and turned to me.

"Hey, I've come for Kari," she grinned. I groaned.

"Hey, Caitlyn. She's in her room." She walked past me and to the room. Grey raised an eyebrow.

"Not coming tonight, hm?" He stepped a bit closer. "You can either go change and come willingly, or I'll pick you up and take you to dinner dressed as you are." He ran his over my body in that slow way of his again. I suddenly felt very underdressed in my small tee-shirt and short soffes.

"I'm not going." Greyson shrugged and picked me up easily in his arms. "You wouldn't?" He grinned and strode out of the house. I pummeled at his shoulder, but he kept striding towards his car.

"Fine!" I yelled. "You win! Put me down!" One of my neighbors walked out of her house and gave us a weird look before getting into her car. Greyson laughed but put me down. I walked away from him with as much dignity as I could muster and upstairs to my room so I could change. Getting ready was quick, I just undressed and slipped into a black dress, skin tight that stopped just a couple inches under my butt, black pumps, a black clutch, and a swirly glass pendent on a black ribbon. I let my hair down then peeked into Kari's room, said goodnight, and went downstairs.

"You look hot, Buttercup." I jumped slightly. His voice came from behind me and I turned. Greyson was walking towards me and, this time, I didn't retreat. Instead I smiled. It should have been the first sign for him that something was up, but if he wanted to be a dumbass, it wasn't my problem. Grey grabbed me low around my hips and dragged me to him. His kisses were quick and fleeting, before he deepened it. I kissed him back while pushing his pant leg up with the toe of my heel. Then I dug the sharp point of the heel into his leg. Grey jumped back.

"Fuck!" I grinned and started for the door.

"Language." I paused. "Buttercup."


Thirty minutes later, sitting in the restaurant, my leg still hurt from Kalshan's mauling. I wanted to lean down and rub it, but she was still looking at me with that smile of hers. Like a cat looking at the canary cage. I didn't really like my role as prey. If her idea of fun wasn't so violent, I would actually love a position as prey. But I didn't particularly like pain. Outside of sex, that is. The waiter put a menu in front of each of us. I didn't pick mine up for a moment, just watched Kalshan. God she was perfect. If she weren't such a bitch... her eyes went wide.

"What is it?" I asked and took her menu. It still had the prices. Incompetent fool of a waiter. I snapped my fingers at the boy and he was instantly there.

"Did I not ask for a menu without prices for the lady?" I asked in a low voice. He paled. I shoved the menu into his hands. "I believe I did. So why don't you do your job and fulfill that request." He scurried off. Kal raised an eyebrow. I shrugged an took a sip of my champagne. (Thank god for fake ID's)

"A lady should never have to worry about prices when being taken to dinner," I answered in a mild voice. She just shook her head, looking rather bemused. After dinner I decided to take her to a movie. That was pretty typical for a date, right? Dinner, movie, drop her off at home and go to my own bed. Alone. I wondered, if it was just a relationship based on a bet, did it have to be a monogamous relationship? It wasn't a real relationship after all. I considered asking, but Kal's phone rang. She picked up, said a few noncommittal responses, cursed, and hung up.

"I have to go home. Kari's sick." I turned the car around but asked,

"Where are your parents?" She crossed her arms under her chest and stared forward as she answered,

"Dad left a few years ago and is nowhere to be found. Mom's probably out screwing some random guy she picked up in a bar. That's what she always does. My job is basically to act like the adult." She closed her mouth abruptly as if she couldn't believe she'd just said that. We were in front of her house. I turned off the car and got out to open her door, which she had already opened for herself.

"Thanks for dinner." Kalshan leaned in and ran her lips up my throat, her hands on my hips. I wondered if I was actually about to get a real kiss. One without pain. Finally her lips reached mine but she didn't really kiss me. They were small, nibbling kisses. A few licks in there. I tried not to respond. Every time I responded to her I got a bruise. But, god, it was impossible not to. I took her hands and moved them up from my hips, then grabbed hers. She pulled away and shoved me hard against my car.

"Tell anyone what I told you tonight, and you're fucking dead," she told me calmly, before walking inside. Well... shit.

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