The Bet and the Dare; part 8

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The morning after my little "mission" at Grey's, I was absolutely about to fall over with fatigue, but it was so worth it when he wasn't at school. I was going to get a day of peace! I'd never been one of those people who avoided confrontation, but damn, Greyson was starting to wear on me. After a day. I was pretty sure that was a bad sign as far as relationships went. But if HE was starting to wear on ME I couldn't imagine the effect I must have been having on him. I could see my BMW about in reach. I left my third hour with a huge grin on my face. It widened at the sight of Grey.

So, I have to admit, I wasn't expecting it to work so brilliantly, but it did! Greyson was bright buttercup yellow, skin hair, and all. Everyone was coming out of their classes and, upon seeing Greyson, laughing. The hall was filled with teenagers doubled over laughing, but Greyson ignored them and headed straight for me, looking mad as hell. I tried to keep a straight face, but when Greyson reached me, I couldn't help the few giggles that managed to come out and a choked,

"You look good in yellow, Grey." He walked me backward until I was shoved into the wall. He slammed me into it and caged me against the wall so he was pressed so tight against me it was uncomfortable. I couldn't even lift my face to look at him. Grey lifted me up so we were face to face. I wrapped my legs around his waist to get more comfortable.

"Ooh, Grey, didn't know you wanted me that bad. We can just get a room after school," I cooed.

"Where did you get the dye, Kalshan?" he asked in a quietly dangerous voice. I gave him big, innocent eyes and shrugged.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Greyson. You really should thank your new colorist, though." A few more laughs got out. Grey's face went from angry to angrier and suddenly I found myself slung over his shoulder and Greyson was striding out of the hall. I pounded on his back with tight fists.

"Put me down, you bastard!" I yelled. He didn't, just continued out of the school and to the parking lot. And no one stopped him. I couldn't believe no one stopped him!

"You are finally going to learn your lesson, Kal. See, unlike your last relationships I won't be abused." He dumped me unceremoniously into his car. I considered running, but figured my chances of getting away safely were miniscule at best, so I stayed as Greyson got into the front seat. The drive to his house was silent and tense. Grey's hands were clenching the steering wheel so tightly the tendons were sticking out and his knuckles were white. He looked at me as though there was nothing he would like to do in that moment then hit me. I scooted as far to the right of my seat as I could, eyeing him wearily.

When we got to his house Greyson snapped, "Out." I climbed out of the car and followed him through the house and into his backyard. It was a nice house, very light and open. But it felt unlived in. Slightly uninviting. I shivered a little and followed Grey out back. When I was outside he picked me up and sat me down, then took off my shoes.

"What are you doing?" I snapped. He was NOT getting me undressed that easily. He grinned at me.

"I like the shoes too much to ruin them." He picked me up and walked towards the pool. "Everything else, however, can go into the pool." And I found myself emerged in water. While Greyson was laughing I remembered on the package it had said that if you washed off ten minutes after touching the dye, it would clean off. Greyson was laughing too hard to really take notice of what I was doing, so I hoisted myself out of the pool and made a run for the back door.

"Hey!" I looked back and grinned at him. When I reached inside I slammed the door shut and quickly locked it to detain him for a few moments. Stairs. I ran towards them and up, searching frantically for a bathroom. A door was open at the end of the hall. I looked in and saw that it was a bathroom. With a huge shower. I ran in, shut the door, turned on the shower, and quickly stripped out of my cloths. After a few minutes the water that ran off me was no longer yellow. I sighed in relief. Then I heard the door open. I grabbed a towel and covered myself with it, not caring if it got wet.

"Hello." Greyson opened the door to the shower and grinned at me, taking in my barely covered form. I could feel a blush running up my neck and into my cheeks. He laughed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Considering you're in my house using my shower I think I should be asking that. But, I will tell you what I came to tell you anyway. I have an appointment with my dermatologist then my stylist to hopefully get rid of this damn yellow. My room is just through that door there. You can borrow some of my cloths to get home." He leaned into the shower, getting his shirt wet. I backed away a little, tucking my bottom lip under my teeth as I did when something was starting to stress me out.

"I'll see you later." Grey's hand ran from my bare hip and up to just under my arm. He leaned in and dragged my lip out of my mouth with his teeth, then barely pulled on it with his lips. "Buttercup." He turned and left. Was he never going to stop calling me Buttercup?


So, making her yellow with me wasn't going to work. That, however, was just fine. My stylist gave me a special shampoo that got the color out in four washes and my dermatologist gave me a cream that, after I let it sit for an hour then washed it off, got rid of the color. I looked in the mirror for thirty minutes straight convincing myself that I was a normal color again before I went off for true revenge. Gabby had been most helpful in getting Kal out of the house for twenty minutes while I broke in and found her room.

Once there I started opening drawers randomly. Underwear drawer. Underwear drawer. Every girl had one, right? Finally I found a cabinet in her closet. And a drawer filled with sexy lingerie.

"Good taste, Kal," I murmured to myself. I grabbed everything in the drawer and shoved it into my bag. Operation revenge, in process.

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