The Bet and the Dare; part 34

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Monday morning I got up and looked around, confused as to where I was. It wasn't my room. It didn't look like the hotel. For a minute my heart started racing and my previously even breathing turned to hyperventilation. Then flashes of the night before came back to me. I couldn't really remember the entire thing. Just the stretcher, April's too white face, arguing with Grey, falling on the bed and immediately falling asleep. A few whimpers escaped my throat.

Instead of getting up for school I curled myself into as little a ball as I could, trying to ward off the memories and the feelings. Crying would have felt good, but I refused to let myself give in to the weakness. Instead I took a few deep breaths and squeezed my eyes tightly shut. I would be fine. I repeated to myself so many times in the next five minutes, I almost started to believe it. The almost wouldn't have been enough to drag me from bed, except Kari came in at that moment, fully dressed and with a huge smile on her young face.

"Grey made me chocolate chip pancakes," she grinned. I smiled back and sat up, patting the bed next to me. She ran forward and jumped up, allowing herself to be cradled in my arms and her face and neck covered in kisses. She giggled.

"Did he now?" I asked in-between kisses.

"Yes, he did," Greyson's deep voice came from the doorway. I looked up to see him in a pair on jeans and only an apron covering his torso, a smudge of flour on his cheekbone. A small laugh escaped my lips at the sight. Kariana jumped out of my arms and into Greyson's. He tickled her sides and she laughed, her little ski-jump nose wrinkling in a most adorable way. She hadn't laughed like that in so long, and for a moment I reconsidered turning down Greyson and Maximus's hospitality. Kari was so happy in Greyson's care and I hated to take that away.

But she would happy in my care too! I told myself. We would get our own townhouse close to the school, I could take on a job somewhere in town as a barista. I would go to college in the area. We would be comfortable and happy until it was time for her to go to college. And we DID NOT need Grey for that to happen. We just needed each other. Kari had been happy with only me before, it wouldn't be any different. Grey gave Kariana one last spin then set her on the ground.

"Time for school, kiddo," he told her. Kari pouted.

"You aren't going right now." Grey laughed.

"Yes, but we're big kids. We get to go late sometime. Go on, scootch. James will drive you." She looked to me for backup, but I merely shrugged my shoulders and she stomped from the room, looking rather dejected. I laughed a little, my lips unable to not smile at the sight of her dark head moving down the hall.

"You aren't leaving," Greyson told me. I raised my eyebrows at the order. He took off his apron and walked over to the bed and kneeled on it, his face perilously close to my own.

"You think you can tell me what to do?" I asked in a voice that sounded a lot stronger than I felt. "I am my own person. And I can do whatever the hell I like," I snapped. He moved in closer and gently ran his fingers over my cheek.

"I'm not saying that isn't true," he said in a soft voice. "However, I don't think you're really thinking straight right now." I shoved him away from me.

"I'm thinking perfectly straight, thank you!" I shouted. Greyson didn't seem fazed by my outburst at all. Instead he took his place on the bed next to me again, except slightly closer this time and he took my hands in his so I couldn't push him. I could bite him, but Greyson kind liked being bitten... The thought sent my mind to places it didn't need to go when I was trying to deny Greyson what he wanted.

"No, Kal, honey, you aren't," he told me in a gentle voice. "Strong as you like to think yourself, no one can go through what you've been through this last week and be fully okay. Just listen to me." He leaned in close and closer until our lips were so close I could feel the heat of his breath on mine. My lips opened a little. I bit down on the bottom one and, eyes closed, shook my head.

Greyson pulled my lip from my teeth as he had before when I'd been in his shower, but this time instead of receding, he brushed his lips gently back and forth against mine. "Please," he breathed. "Please let me keep you safe," he begged me. With his lips on mine, his hands running up and down my arms, I couldn't say no. I didn't say yes, but I didn't deny him either.

Instead I ran my hands up his stomach and chest and around his neck. Grey was barely kissing me, his lips only brushed mine, and it was driving me crazy. I found myself desperately wanting, needing, more. Greyson, my Greyson. The thought would have made me stop in Greyson hadn't, at that moment, started pulling off my tee-shirt. I'd never been in quite this little in front of him, and I found myself blushing slightly. I hadn't worn a bra to bed and all I wore for bottoms was a small, lace thong.

"God, Kal, you're perfect," he whispered. I closed my eyes and let his voice take up my thoughts for a moment. Much as I didn't want to be dependent on him, I was. But I could change that.... If he didn't move his head that direction!


Kalshan was curled up naked next to me. I was still in my jeans and all. Unfortunately. However, Kal looked very comfortable and disinclined to move which was a very good thing. I wanted her to say. Needed to know she was safe. I didn't know why, exactly, but I had a bad feeling about her being on her own. One, she was only seventeen and needed someone to take care of her. And two, I just had a bad gut feeling.

"So, you going to stay?" I asked Kal. She yawned and snuggled closer to me.

"For the next couple hours at least," she answered. I turned her around so she was facing me. She adjusted herself so she was laying on her back instead, one arm flung lazily under her head.

"Kalshan. Really." She sat up, hugging the sheets to her chest.

"Greyson. Really," she responded. "I fully intend on making it on my own. I don't want to need you." I gripped her shoulders.

"Why?" I asked her. "Why can't you let yourself give in for once?" I snapped.

"Because people let you down! You know that." She turned her head. "Besides, if you were in the same position, you wouldn't give in either."

"That's different." I pulled away from her a bit. She looked up at me, her mouth pressed together in a stubborn line.

"How is it in any way different?" she asked me in an angry tone. "You won't let anyone help you, and neither will I. There's nothing wrong with that, it just makes us independent."

"Exactly!" I interrupted. "I get it. I-" Kalshan put a finger on my lips.

"The rules don't change simply because you understand where I'm coming from Greyson." I kissed her fingertip lightly.

"They can't change because I love you?" I asked in a quiet voice. It wasn't the first time I'd admitted to her in words that I was in love, but it felt more significant then before. The time before it had been said in a slightly more joking tone. I hadn't really given her a chance to respond. Kalshan pulled her finger away from my mouth as though it had been burnt.

"No," she answered. "Because I don't love you back," but her voice cracked when she said the words, though, and her eyes filled with tears.

"Liar," I accused. She jumped up from the bed, grabbed her bag, and strode from it naked, calling out,

"Leave me the hell alone, Greyson!" in a tear-thickened voice.


Hey all! Sorry, i know it took FOREVER for me to get this chapter out. I was feeling rather non-inspired for some reason. but I'm back on my feet now, so to speak. I'm going to try to finish this story this week since I'm on break. Love you all! xoxo~Ash

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