The bet and the Dare; part 12

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Yes! I finished that fucking book without putting the barrel in my mouth and pulling the trigger. I'm so proud! haha. Shopping tomorrow! ;) any-hoo, hope you all like this installment! xoxo~Ash



I'd been right in thinking it was going to be boring without Greyson at school. There were no pranks, no loud arguments, no one trying to seduce me for revenge. And to think, I had enjoyed such days a week before. I got into my silver 2006 Toyota Solara convertible to drive home. Where I would have a boring night. I couldn't plan another attack on Greyson when he wasn't here. I had to plan them according to his moods. And I didn't know what that would be when he got back to Vermont.

I pulled into my driveway and made my way upstairs to my room where I was planning on changing into a tee-shirt, cotton shorts, and taking a nice long nap. But when I opened my drawer it was empty. As was my closet. Then I realized my PC was gone! As were my photographs and my jewelry box and all my makeup.

"April!" I screamed. She came into my room with a wide smile.

"Yes, dear?"

"Where's all my shit?" I snapped, gesturing around the room. Her smile only broadened and she hugged me. I backed off, confused. Since when did she hug? I didn't want her to hug me. I was almost scared.

"I got a new house!" she squealed. I raised my eyebrows but didn't say anything for a moment. She had to be kidding. Her face fell at my lack of excitement. Dear god, she wasn't kidding.

"Why?" I asked in an unbelieving voice.

"Aren't you excited?" April asked in a slightly hurt tone. I shook my head.

"No. April, I'm the one who takes care of our finances. We can't afford a new house." She grinned again and handed me a sheet of paper. The new house was completely paid off! With what fucking money?!

"I saved some money up," April answered my unvoiced question. A half million? I wanted to ask. In Montpelier, Vermont? There was only one neighborhood that was selling houses for that much at this point. She handed me a piece of paper.

"This is the address. Check it out. I've already had your room decorated. I hope you like it." April gave me a sheepish smile and I had to smile back.

"Okay, I'll go." She squealed and threw her arms around my neck. I patted her back. Since when did my mother act like this? It must have been new house excitement. I grabbed the last thing in my room, my laptop, off the bed and headed downstairs to check out the new house. I drove there, wondering at exactly how my mother got the money. She was a nurse, for christ's sake! She didn't exactly have a low salary, but she wasn't making big bucks either. A half million dollars was a lot for us. I would know, as before mentioned, I was the one who dealt with all the finances.

The house was two stories, white on the outside with black shutters on the windows. The yard was beautiful, lush and green with flowers and a large, shady tree. It even had a swing. I took out the key April had given me and opened the door. Inside was light and open, very modern and tasteful. April must have hired a decorator. With a sigh I peeked into the kitchen, all modern appliances, slate tile, granite counters. The dining room had a dark mahogany dining table with matching chairs and a huge, crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. This house cost way more than a half million. Where the hell did she get the money? I walked up the stairs where the signs started, directing me to my room. All my negative thoughts left when I walked in.

The walls were mostly a dark cranberry color, with a couple walls painted gold as accents. My floor was light wood with a huge gold and light brown rug in the middle of the room in front of the black sleigh bed piled high with gold covers and black pillows. Behind the bed was a huge painting that covered the majority of the wall. To the left of the bed was a black waist high dresser with a mirror over it. On the other side of the window from that dresser was a taller one, also black. The bed had two black bedside tables, one taller than the other, on each side, both with cool lamps. I went to my window. It looked out on the backyard which didn't have a lawn, but more slate and a new pool.

I could also see into my neighbor's backyard. The pool, the lawn, the gorgeous house... no... it wasn't....


After visiting Ana and assuring myself she was alright I made my way to a local park where Charlie did business. I doubted that had changed in the last six months. Dealers who were careful like he was could stay in place. Though few did, Charlie liked the feeling of there being something constant in his life. Or so he had told me. I loosened the band over my gun in its shoulder holster. I'd thrown a jacket over my shirt to hide the gun, luckily it wasn't so hot it looked suspicious. I spotted Charlie almost instantly with his bright red hair and freckles. I walked up to him.

"Charlie," I smiled pleasantly while subtly holding the gun up to his stomach. "How've you been?"

"Grey," he answered in his Australian accented voice. "Listen mate, whatever it is you think I've done, I swear it wasn't me. So, can we put the gun away and talk this out like civilized people?" he didn't appear to be lying, so I put the gun away. For the moment.

"You been dealing to Anabelle?" I asked. His blue eyes widened.

"Anabelle?! Fuck no, man! I like living, thank you very much." I nodded. He was definitely sincere.

"Know who has?" I asked, still glaring at him. He may not have been the one dealing to her, but I was pissed and I was going to take it out on whoever was nearest. Charlie just happened to be near. Charlie shook his head.

"Since you made your announcement last time you left, no one will deal to Anabelle. It's well known around here, deal to Anabelle and look down the barrel of Greyson Beaumont's pretty Browning Hi-Power." He gulped and looked at my gaping jacket. "You want to strap that in, man?" he asked in a slightly shaking voice. I just crossed my arms over my chest.

"Someone's dealing to her. She's staying at Promises in West LA," I told him. Charlie nodded.

"I'll keep an ear out for whoever's her dealer. But I'm not into smack anymore. The cops were coming down hard on it. Now I'm just onto pot. Less cash, but less risk." I nodded.

"Thanks, Charlie." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Mate, you aren't?" I shook my head.

"Nah, I've been clean for a long time." He nodded and looked pleased. Charlie may have been a drug dealer, but he was a good guy. And he himself had never done drugs. Ever. Not even a taste. He was just in it for the money so he could continue paying for his Porsche.

"Here's my number." I handed Charlie my card. "You hear anything..."

"I'll be in touch." I turned and left, feeling extremely defeated. I wasn't any closer to knowing who was selling to my sister than I had been before. She hadn't been on heroin until I left. I knew there was always the possibility, so I'd warned all the drug dealers in the area to stay away from her or I would kill them. It was a serious threat and they knew it. One idiot had obviously sold to her. I was going to find the bastard and shoot him. I swore it. Meanwhile, it was time to go back to Montpelier and have a nice, long chat with Mr. Berkeley.

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