The Bet and the Dare; part 2

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That evening found me at my house, alone with Kevin. We'd been friends since I could remember. He was the one, the summer before ninth grade, I gave my virginity to. We weren't in love or anything, but we were very close friends, with a mutual liking and physical attraction. It seemed to be the most natural course of action. He had proved to be a gentle and attentive lover and had seen to it that any discomfort on my part was minimal. We stayed friends and sexual partners, of sorts. After school we were just sitting on my couch, watching Bones on TV. I was sitting between his legs with my back against his chest.

"I'm going to be dating this kid, Greyson, for six weeks," I told him. Kevin raised a pierced eyebrow and turned down the volume on the TV. I made a small noise and reached back to snatch the remote back. He held it behind his head so, even fully stretched out across him, I couldn't reach it.

"So what are you trying to say Kal?" he asked with a playful glint in his brown eyes. He knew damn well what I was trying to say. He was just going to make me say it. I kept stretching over him to get the controller. Still, I couldn't reach. It was very frustrating. Especially when his arm clamped around my waist to hold me still.

"I'm trying to tell you I'm going to have a boyfriend for the next six weeks you little fuck." Smoothly, drawing on some of the skills I'd learned as a second degree black belt, I shoved in his elbow and pulled back on his forearm. He yelped from the pain of almost having his shoulder dislocated and with a self-satisfied grin I grabbed the remote.

"You're trying to tell me we're going to have a strictly platonic relationship for the next six weeks," he grunted. He still looked like he was in some pain. I nodded.

"You'd better be good," I snapped at him. "Because my self-control is zip." He was kissing my neck. He laughed, letting his breath fan out over my skin.

"I know." I started to pull away but he kept a steady hold. My last night for six weeks of being with whoever I wanted. Depressing thought, that.


It was a usual evening. Father got home his usual time. I swam my laps as I usually did for forty minutes. We had out usual, awkward dinner my father insisted we have every night, each of us on opposite ends of the twelve foot long table. Then, as per usual, I had a pretty girl I'd met a couple weeks before at friend's party over for a few hours, then sent her home in the limo.

After, I laid on my bed, sipping at brandy, and staring at my ceiling. How exactly was I supposed to ask someone exactly like me out? Getting her drunk wouldn't work. From what I'd heard the girl could hold her alcohol. And if I asked her when she was drunk she'd just get mad and pull out. I couldn't give her candy or flowers. She would think it was cheesy. Sexual favors implied a short, one or two week relationship at the most. She would be uncomfortable with diamonds, of that I was sure. None of my usual insidious tactics would work on her. I had to think of me. How would I want to be asked out? She drank coffee at the same little place every morning. I could "happen" to go in at the same time as her, pay for her coffee, tell her she was gorgeous, ask her out.

"Greyson," my father's voice filled my room. A very unwelcome sound. I half raised one eyelid to look at him, then shut it again. I didn't answer him. If he wanted to talk, he could open his mouth and vibrate his vocal cords. I wasn't about to put in the effort. I just wanted him to leave.

"You remember that charity ball tomorrow night?" Fuck. I'd forgotten that. I'd been planning on taking Kal to a local bar I knew where Julien K was playing. Who the hell wanted to go to a charity ball on a first date?

"I bought tickets to a concert," I informed him with a lazy lie. "And isn't always you who's telling me to honor my commitments? After all, I did commit to go." Or, I had called Gabe, the bouncer, and told him I'd probably be there with a leggy brunette, which was as close to committing to something as I got lately. My life was turning into a lovely, blurred haze of drinking, clubbing and girls. School was just an inconvenient detour in the rest of my life.

"A concert isn't a commitment," he snapped. I shrugged, eyes still closed.

"But the girl I'm taking is."

"Why don't you take her to the ball?"

"Kind of an awkward first sate. Sorry, I know I told you we were just going to a concert, but could you dress up like Cinderella instead?" I opened my eyes so I could roll them at him. "Please, be serious Maximus."

"Fine. Do whatever the hell you want." He slammed the door behind him. I always did.

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