The Bet and the Dare; part 24

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I took grey's advice and went running. Luckily, I had brought shorts, shoes, and a sports bra. My hair got pulled back into a tight ponytail to keep it off my face. After a few quick stretches I took the elevator downstairs where I got a few funny looks from the other guests. I ignored them and continued out into the warm, LA sun. My legs just started moving without any serious thought from me. I had been a runner at one point, but in the last couple years I'd stopped. It took a moment, but I was soon back into my easy stride.

I didn't wear an ipod, instead I let the sounds of the city be my guide. My breathing stayed even, but labored and that old feeling of warm pain running up my calves returned. It felt glorious. The run wasn't very long, only four miles, but by the end of it I was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and all my muscles felt warm and relaxed. Once again, funny looks in the lobby. Ignoring them, I took the elevator up to the room where Grey was standing in only a pair of jeans, his hair wet from the shower.

"Nice run?" he asked without looking up from his phone.


"Good. Take a quick shower. We need to make visiting hours." I went to the shower thinking, visiting hours?

Visiting hours turned out to be the times when family could visit at Promises Rehabilitation. I almost fainted. He was making me meet his sister. Not that I wasn't totally interested in meeting Greyson's twin, because I totally was. But, for some unknown reason, I was also a bit apprehensive. What if she felt like I was taking her brother away from her? Or if she just didn't like me. It had never mattered to me before whether or not someone liked me, but it did with her.

"Back for Anabelle?" the woman at the front desk asked us in a calm voice. Greyson flashed her his most winning smile and nodded.

"Yes. And-" he reached back to grab my hand. "I've brought my fiancé." My eyes bulged a little bit, I'll admit. Fiancé?! Where the hell did that come from? I wasn't even sure I actually qualified as a girlfriend.

"Oh, that will be a lovely surprise for Anabelle," she gushed. "Why don't you go on back?" Greyson, still holding my hand, led me down the hall and up the stairs. As soon as we were out of hearing range, I hissed,

"Fiancé?" Greyson merely grinned.

"Yes, well, you have to be family to visit. Since you obviously aren't a sibling, I had to go with that." I rolled my eyes, but continued following him until we reached a light, open room, where a lovely blonde girl with full lips and wide, almond eyes, the same color as Greyson's, was pacing. When she saw Grey in the doorway, she grinned and threw herself into his arms.

"I knew you'd come today," she laughed in a sight accent, a but more defined than Grey's "I could just fee- who's that?" she asked, looking at me with instant dislike written clearly on her face. I grimaced inwardly, but put a smile on my face and stepped forward.

"I'm Kalshan. I'm..." I paused. "How exactly would you define our relationship, Grey?" He grinned down at me, then at Anabelle.

"Belle, this is Kalshan. She's my girlfriend." Anabelle just sneered.


It was definitely not going how I had planned. I loved Kalshan, so of course I assumed Belle would too. But if she did, she was hiding it very well. I pulled Kalshan up to stand directly next to me. Belle gave her a slow once over, her sneer becoming more pronounced by the moment.

"Hm. You're not as pretty as his last toy," she finally mocked in an innocent tone. I wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there.

"Jesus, Anabelle," I scolded. "One would think you were raised by cavemen." She rolled her eyes.

"No, just totally incompetent French nannies." I glared at her, but Kalshan just looked calm, amused even. This didn't seem to make Anabelle anymore excepting of her.

"What the hell are you smirking at?" she snapped. Kal's smile just widened as she said calmly,

"Why, you."


hey all! hope you like! xoxo~Ash

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