So long Marine life

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


The beam reflected in Shiki's eyes as the deadly beam of light was shot right at her, time seemed to slow when that happened as the noise around her became dull, the beating of her heart was the only sound that echoed in her ears.

Not about to die just yet, Shiki shifted at the last minute, only letting her already wounded shoulder take in more damage. She clenched her jaw out of pain as the sound came back, speeding back to normal.

All of a sudden, Kizaru's foot wasn't on her back anymore but instead, a shadow hovered over her.

Shiki looked up when she heard flapping noise and stared inexpressibly at Marco, in his phoenix-human hybrid form, hovering above her. The blue fiery wings with streaks of yellow caught her attention as she breathed heavily.

"Pops told me to help you out-yoi." Marco gave her a smirk when she gave him a confused look. They were ready to leave, a pirate with a yellow submarine arrived and had taken in Jinbe, Luffy and Ace for treatment, most of the pirates are now retreating.

Shiki nodded, stumbling up with her scythe in hand, clutching on her shoulder. She then looked back, trying to find where the familiar presence was coming from before.

"Ohhhh? Why if it isn't Marco the Phoenix." Kizaru called, staring at him with a hint of annoyance in his shaded eyes, "Here to help out a traitor?" he questioned, stretching out some of his words, half of his body evaporating into light as he prepare to shift through the air.

Marco gave him a smirk, "What do you think-yoi?" he then turned serious as he prepared to fight, "I'll handle him, go on ahead, Pops wouldn't mind giving you a ride-yoi." he directed that at Shiki without turning around.

Shiki ran without hesitation, stumbling as she did, her whole body was wrecked with cuts and bruises and her shoulder was heavily bleeding. She tried to stop it by putting more force on it but that only made her more pain.

With Whitebeard dealing with Akainu, and Marco fighting against Kizaru, Shiki just focused on avoiding the marines, using all her strength running straight ahead.

She then felt the presence again and looked up, trying to see where it was as her breath ran short.

Turning her head around, a trail of ice burst up suddenly and would have pierced Shiki if she didn't jump to the side in time, using her scythe as a cover. Shiki looked behind and saw Aokiji with an unreadable expression on his face, kneeling down with his palm against the ground and the sharp trail of ice in front of him.

Shiki's breath shuddered as her sight began blurry, she tried to blink it away but knew that she was almost at her limit. Just as Aokiji was about to advance forward, the cry of a hawk made him freeze, he looked up to see what was going on, only to leaped back when a sharp gust of wind headed straight at him, an indigo feather falling from the sky.


Shiki's hair was blown back when a large indigo hawk landed in front of her, it was three times larger than her and wider when it spread its indigo feathered wings out. Dark rust-like purple on the upper part of its body part and pale on the head, neck and underparts with purple-like rust on the legs and some marking on the under-wing.

"Shiki, are you okay!" a panicked female voice came from the hawk as she leaned forward.

Normally one would be surprised or shocked to suddenly see a talking bird come out of nowhere, but Shiki knew the familiar hawk, she is her dear friend after all.

Shiki nodded, but the indigo hawk knew better.

"Get on." she ordered, turning her back to her.

She obeyed without questioning, letting herself fall on the soft feathery back of her friend.

The hawk spread her wings out and did a flap, before repeating it and lifting them both from the ground, but not before sending a large gust of wind out, knocking incoming bullets and marines away.

As they soared through the sky, Shiki nuzzled her face into the safety of soft feathers while they maneuvered through cannons.

Opening her eyes slightly, Shiki could see they were already out to sea, as well as the Red Hair Pirates' ship heading towards where the war was. Giving out one last shaky breath, Shiki closed her eyes, listening to the cry of the war rage on, leaving everything she worked for behind.


So that's how I ended the war... not that good if I say so myself :p

Shiki isn't a Vice Admiral anymore and is now a traitor to the marines, her friend came to rescue her and this is her second appearance (her first was in Special Friends and older), Shanks is gonna stop the war and the Whitebeard pirates all survived, including Whitebeard.

That's pretty much it.

Welp at least I updated after editing it for a while. Originally, I had named this "So long suckers", but, eh.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

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