Damn you Law

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.

She slowly opened her eyes to the same white room she had stepped in.

She let her vision adjust as she groggily sat up, feeling the white sheet that was covering her slide off her skin, Shiki pressed her hand against her head with her good arm, feeling oddly well rested.

As she was about to get up, she noticed a couple of things.

First, there was a needle in her arm that was hooked to a bag with half empty liquid inside at the side of her bed.

Second, her bullet wounds were wrapped with gauze.

And finally, her clothes were missing with the exception of her panties and bandaged chest.

Shiki frowned, plucking the needle out of her arm like it was nothing and set it aside, letting it hang from the bag, it wouldn't stop dripping so Shiki hanged it upside down on the pole holding the bag so it wouldn't drip anymore. She then place one foot off the bed, then the other and lifted herself off the bed, almost falling back down when she stood.

Her brows furrowed as she stared at her legs, wondering why her muscles felt slack when she had only passed out not so long ago. Forcing herself to stand on her wobbly legs, Shiki staggered to the chair that had her clothed neatly folded up, picking them up, she checked her coat to see if anything was missing and narrowed her eyes when she couldn't feel her baby den den mushi, a Vivre card and a small pouch of bellies in her pockets.

Shiki could guessed what had happened, Law had probably went through her clothes while she was unconscious and took it with him. Getting dressed, Shiki paused when she put on the last of her clothing on, quickly closing her eyes, she let her 'sight' expand all over the submarine and even expanded a 100 metre radius from the sub.

After a few slow moments, she slowly opened her eyes to half mast, silent anger swirling in her visible golden eye as she directed her anger as a source to pace out of the room without staggering, heading straight for the strongest presence on board.

If Law thought he could take her with them without asking, he has another thing coming.


Law leaned in his chair behind his desk in his room, staring at the three items he had took from the ex-vice admiral's belongings. She didn't have much on her, only a baby den den mushi, a coin pouch and a white piece of paper that was currently inching north.

He stared at the paper, knowing what it was, he picked it up between two fingers, lifting it in front of him.

It was a vivre card, Law could guess that Shiki had already been to the New World. 

How else was she going to get a vivre card.

A strong presence made Law turn his head to the door, knowing who it was, Law waited for her to come barging in with a smirk.

The door slammed open, creating a loud bang rebounding from the wall.

Shiki walked in, trying to restrain the anger from showing in her eye, but did not realize the anger she was emitting from her.

Law watched with an amused grin as she stopped in front of his desk.

"Where are your manners, Shiki-ya? It's rude not to knock." Law leaned on his desk, steepling his fingers together as he leaned his chin on top, the vivre card between his slender tattooed fingers.

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