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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.

It was getting late and most of the Heart Pirates had either drunken themselves silly, passed out on the floor or had retired back to the ship.

The only few who were still or slightly sober were Law, Shiki, Leo and Ren which the latter two were being responsible adults and gathering the drunks back to the ship, getting the ones who can still walk, carry the unconscious pirates with them.

As soon the last of the his crew exited the bar, Law tipped his head back to finish the last of his beer, placing the mug down and standing up from his seat, leaving the comfort of his female companion's arms.

"Awww, are you leaving already?" they both whinged.

Law only smirked at them and left some belies on the table, "It's getting late and I need to return back to my ship."

"Why not spend the night with me then?" one of them suggested with a seductive look, giving his a hand a gentle stroke with her polished red nail.

Law only chuckle and politely declined with an amused smile, grabbing his nodachi and left.

While next to the group, Shiki slowly finished off the smooth liquid down her throat, placing the empty glass on the wooden table before standing up. She turned towards the nice women who kept her company throughout her stay and gave them a small bow, "Thank you for the free drinks and apples, but I think I should at least pay for it." she rummaged through her pockets for her money pouch but before she could even take it out, the two women furiously shook their heads with flushed expectant faces.

"No, no, it's alright, Shiki-sama! We told you it was on the house!" the brunette quickly stated, shooting up with red cheeks.

The blond shot up from her spot as well, nodding her pretty little head, "And they're not that expensive so you don't need to pay!"

"Really?" Shiki blinked.

"Of course!" they grinned, while the table was filled with empty fine quality wine bottles and three barrels worth of apple cores. There was hardly any space left.

Shiki stared at them with a skeptical stare but figured she probably couldn't win against these lovely ladies, plus, they kinda remind her of puppies. And what do Shiki do with puppies?

She pets them.

"Thanks for keeping me company." she petted their heads and enjoyed their soft hair from under her hand, but it wasn't as soft as Reika's or Captain's.

With that done, Shiki left the two without realizing they were swooning on the spot with flushed faces and dazed eyes.


"Enjoyed the night?" was said as soon as she left the bar.

Shiki turned her head to the side to see that Law was leaning beside the entrance with his arms crossed, nodachi in hand and a smirk on his face.

She stared at him for a moment before looking forward while she fixed her hair around her neck. It was colder at night. "It was nice." she mumbled behind her hair as she began her trek back to the sub.

Law pushed off the wall and followed after, his smirk swiped off as he stared at her back. He caught up to her and was now walking side by side. Now that they were alone and that she wasn't avoiding him anymore, he can get down to business, but before he could, Shiki beat him to it.

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