Obstacle race

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Appearing in another section of the library, Trafalgar Law scowled when when he didn't see the book in sight as he looked left and right.

It also didn't help that he didn't get a good look at the book's appearance as Shiki wasn't holding it with her back to them.

Just as he was about to change places again, a large shadow flew by over him, making him look up just on time to see a large indigo hawk passing by.

Few seconds later, he saw Shiki go by as well, eyes focused on the goal.

Clicking his tongue, Law twitched his fingers, "Shambles!"

Reika flapped her wings repeatedly, her piercing red eyes glancing left and right for the book. She leaned on her left, gliding through the air within the transparent blue sphere.

She took a glance behind her to see her friend gaining closer towards her. Returning back to task, she spotted the book on top of one of the many book shelves, teetering just on the edge.

Just as she was about to flap her wings for more speed, she stuttered back when she saw Shiki dive pass her, hands out as she narrowed in on the book.

Recovering from her slight surprise, Reika moved in forward, muttering a soft apology, she sent a strong gust of wind towards Shiki, blowing her away and into a different direction.

Using this chance, the zoan user swooped, flipping upside right, once she was close enough and readied her talons to grab it.

Only for it to disappear and be replaced by another book.

"Fuck!" she cursed, snapping her head around to glare at a smug-looking Trafalgar Law.


Quickly switching the book, Law let out a smug smirk as the book infused devil fruit landed in his palm. Deactivating his dome, Law was about to open the cover but out of nowhere, he stumbled forward as something soft crashed against his back.

Shiki latched onto Law's back, one hand covering his eyes while the other covering his mouth. Her leg was securely wrapped around his torso and his free hand, trapping them to his side. Using this opportunity, Shiki swiftly kicked the book as hard as possible from under his arm, watching it fly onto another level of the library before letting Law go and moving after it.

As soon as Shiki jumped off his back, Law let out a growl, "Shiki-ya!"


Shiki jumped from level to level as she focused on where the book had landed. She gulped when she saw her friend furiously gaining speed towards her.

Quickly jumping faster, Shiki was about to reach out to the book which was lying innocently just a few metres from the steps to another level of giant bookshelves.

Both female halted in midair when they noticed the blue transparent dome was back and the book was swapped with another.

"Oh hell no." the redhead seethed, quickly grabbing books from a nearby shelf and swiped it at Law who quickly deflected it with his sheathed nodachi.

Law, who had transported to the level below them, glared as swarms of books were pelted at him by the zoan user. His eyes widen when he saw her fly behind a bookshelf, talons on the edge and wings flapping strongly.

The bookshelf beginning to tip.

"Shit!" Law cursed in his mind as he prepared to transport out of there.

But before he could, he was suddenly tackled to the ground, the book flying from his grip.

Letting out a pained groaned, the pirate captain peeked an eye open from under the rim of his hat to realize he was face to face with a worried-looking Shiki hovering above him, hands caging him in.

He looked behind her to see the redhead had ceased all plans of tipping the shelf over once she saw that her friend was in the way.

Now reassured that as long as he has Shiki with him, his life was temporarily safe from the crazy hawk woman.

Turning back to Shiki, his eyes narrowed as he watched her looking for the book on him. He lifted a hand up, getting her attention, "While I wouldn't mind this position some other time, Shiki-ya," he gave her a frown, reaching a hand behind her neck and bringing her forward, till their foreheads were touching, "I want to see what you're hiding from me." he growled, eyes narrowing at her.

He deactivated his 'Room' once again as he was beginning to tire from his abilities.
And besides...

This race was getting ridiculous.

Seeing their close proximity, Shiki pushed herself up, getting out of Law's hold with a crooked frown, not wanting to be that close to him. An almost nonexistent blush on her cheeks, "While I don't mind letting people know what they want, I really don't want Reika to see what happened on the last island." she leaned back and stood up, grabbing his hand to pull him up, "I also don't care if you know but I don't need you telling Reika on what you saw or be mean about it if you refuse to tell her what she wants."

He looked away with a twitch to his eye, and adjusted his grip on his nodachi, "Then you don't know me very well." he grumbled under his breath.

"I'm not taking any chances." she muttered, frowning when she saw all the books, that Reika had threw at Law, on the ground.

The memory book mixed in as well.

When all three realized that the book was mixed in with the others, all three instinctively ran for it with Reika swooping after them.

Upon reaching the pile, Reika dropped down on the floor, returning to her human limbs, and began looking for the source of Shiki's worry.

Over with the pirate captain, Law critically stared at each and every book, trying to find the odd one out while in the corner of his eyes, he could see the redhead and Shiki turning books away before discarding them away when it wasn't the correct book.

Resuming his own search, Law raised a brow when he noticed a book that was slightly farther than the rest of the book, realizing that it was the same cover that he had temporarily held, Law gave a quick glance to the two occupied girls before subtly moving towards the book.

Just as he was about to reach for it, the book was suddenly hit out of the way with another book.

"Shiki, stop him!" a loud cry sounded from behind an irritated-looking Law who suddenly stumbled forward as once again, Shiki jumped onto his back, arms around his shoulder and legs wrapped around his arms to his hips. A second later, the redhead flew by them and landing before the book.

Law stared blankly as the redhead picked up the book before tilting his to look at the woman on his back, "What do you think you're doing?" he questioned, raising an irritated brow, "Wasn't the point was to prevent your friend from getting the book? Why are you listening to her." Law pointed out.

He watched as Shiki's eyes widened in realization when she noticed that her friend has the book in her hand and was now opening the book.

 And for once since meeting her, Law was surprised of what she said next.

"Shit." Shiki muttered.


Merry Christmas you guys or hope you had a nice day! I was thinking of doing a Christmas chapter but didn't think I would have time, plus, I didn't have enough materials for one, maybe next year. XD

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. :D

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