An underhanded trick

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Reika couldn't believe what she just heard. "So you mean to tell me that you spent weeks with a bunch of male idiots?!"

"And Bepo." Shiki added. 

Bepo's ears twitched at the sound of his name.

Reika stared shocked with wide horrified eyes. All this time, her dear friend was breathing air of such filth!

Seeing movement from the corner of her eye, Reika saw the MAN with a weird mushroom hat coming towards them, well, more like towards Shiki. 

"Shiki-ya, who is she." Law demanded, a glint passing by his narrowed eyes. Penguin and Shachi was still sulking while Ren tried to comfort them. Kyle was still glaring from behind his Captain.

Shiki turned to look up at him with a straight face. "Who is she?" she repeated in her head. Trying to find the words to describe her precious friend, who has been with her since young and even taken it upon herself to raise and teach her, in just a few simple sentences to Law.

Law was starting to get impatient waiting for her answer, he took another step forward.

Only for a pale hand to grab his shoulder in a tight hold, "Don't you dare take another step forward." a calm feminine angered voice sounded from behind. Law tilted his head back with a glare, his eyes narrowed in on the red haired woman who was scowling at him.

"And who are you to order me around?" Law seethed, slapping her hand away and turning towards her.

Reika nearly let out a growl, she couldn't believe she let Shiki stay with a rude bastard like him. Who the hell would name their crew the 'Heart Pirates"?! It sounded like a bunch of girls prancing around island and island either trying to be scary and all that shit or woman looting shiny treasures, jewels and clothes! Who knows what Shiki had been through in an all male crew! And what was she thinking?! She was the one who told her to get along with them even after hearing she got kidnapped!

Before her inner ranting could continue, Shiki finally answered Law's question.

"She's Reika." she settled bluntly.

Law's eye twitched at the simple answer, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

Reika pushed pass Law and put both hands on Shiki's shoulder, a panicked look on her face, "Shiki, you're leaving this crew." she urgently said, staring straight into Shiki's attentive eye.

Law's eyes widened before narrowing dangerously at her. How dare she order one of his crew mate like that, she has no right to, "Reika-ya, just what do you-"

"Okay." Shiki answered without hesitating.

"Shiki-chan?" Bepo felt worried, did that mean that she was leaving them?

"WHAT?!" Penguin and Shachi shot up, exclaiming along with Ren.

Kyle mentally fist pumped, "Yes!" he cheered in his head. Good riddance to the woman. Having her around was making his Captain angry and the reason why he was angry right now. Seriously, any friend of that woman was a bitch, seeing how disrespectful the red hair woman is.

Reika nodded, "Great! Then lets get going, I don't want you to be near any of these men." she made a grab for Shiki's arm, only for it to slip out of her reach when Law pulled Shiki to his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist to keep her from going back to the other woman's side. An angry scowl on his face.

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