To be friendly or not to be

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.

Having nothing to do, Shiki decided to visit the gallery in the middle of the night. She couldn't sleep once again and thought she could get ready for breakfast.

She was never really told what time she was suppose to meet, but this way, she couldn't be late.

Sitting on the bench with the wall behind it, Shiki leaned her back against it, propping her feet up on the table. In the dark empty room, with only the faint ticking of a clock, Shiki concentrated on the sound.




Shiki let her eyes close as she listened to it, almost allowing herself some sleep, but before she could, someone turned on the lights and called her name.


Letting her eyes adjust, she slowly opened them to see Ren looking at her with a worry face, his blue eyes clear in the light. He could see growing bags under her eyes but it wasn't as profound as the Captain's. Has she been sleeping right?

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" 

Not bothering to answer, Shiki turned her head to the clock on the wall, reading 6:00, "Is it time to cook?" she asked, getting herself up, hearing some of her bones crack as she stood. Just how long was she there?

Ren slowly blinked, "Was she here the whole time, waiting because of that?" he teared up, all thoughts before disappearing, "What a person!" he cried in his head, seeing the dark haired woman in a new light. He led her to the kitchen, and like yesterday, told her what equipment to get out.

"We're making pancakes today!" he declared as he got Shiki to mix the batter while he prepared the morning drinks, heat up the pan and prepare a small bowl for a fruit salad.

They worked in silence, Ren being in a good mood to not care.


As the gallery was slowly being filled with men, Shiki was told she could go ahead and eat. Ren handed her a tray of food and gently turn her around and led her out of the kitchen with a wide smile, having been touched by Shiki's will to work.

Walking up to an empty spot, Shiki stared at a newspaper placed on the table, it was the newest one and she wondered when they had surfaced to get it. Reaching out for it, she was stopped when Shachi placed an arm over her shoulder, "Yo, Shiki-chan." he greeted with a grin.

She blinked, lifting her head only for another arm to be placed on her other shoulder.

"Whatcha doing, Shiki-chan?" Penguin grinned.

Both mechanics decided that there was no harm in befriending the teenager and plus their Captain did say to try and get along with the new recruit, even if she may be strange, she was still a female and they might as well make the most of it. Besides, she was probably at that age where she was trying to find out who she is, that rebellious stage.

Shiki blinked, now that she thought about it, what was with the 'chan'? It seemed weird to have such an horrific attached to her name. She didn't mind Bepo saying it because he was a bear but for humans... it felt weird.

The two mechanics sweatdropped when they received no reply, eventually feeling awkward and was about to get off her when...

"I wanted to see the newspaper." she stated with an impassive face.

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