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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures. 


For the past few days, Shiki has begun her routine of making breakfast for Jambarl and hanging out with the big guy in the Control Room before going in the kitchen to help Ren prepare breakfast. After that, she would sit besides Bepo, leaning on the fluffy bear while Shachi and Penguin talked, getting Shiki to join in on their conversations once in a while.

Strangely after that, Kyle would just randomly block her way with hands crossed and eyes glaring at her.

She didn't get what was up with that but either way, she would help Ren with the washing up before proceeding to the Training Room to supervise Law's haki as she watched patiently while he seemed to get impatient during his training. She knew that he knew that learning haki wouldn't be so easy to achieve yet, Law seemed to be getting frustrated each day.

Fortunately, Law was a smart learner, picking up tricks and working on what felt right but unfortunately, the reason why Law was getting frustrated was due to the fact that Shiki thinks 'taking a dump' is a good tip to learn by. Every time he seems to be on the verge of a breakthrough with his haki, that blasted advice pops up, ruining his concentration.

Shiki had tried to be helpful, yet, it only seemed to serve Law more irritation, so she decided to just watch.

Currently, Shiki was sitting on a stool, crossed-legged, and eating a apple she picked up from the kitchen, staring as Law did some breathing exercise from the blue mats.

Crunching on her apple, Shiki narrowed her eyes as Law's face scrunched up in concentration, she could see his aura getting stronger by using her Kenbunshoku haki. Law was so close, she could see it, he just needed to push a little more.

As moments past, to the point that Shiki finished her apple and was just hanging from her hand, Law snapped his eyes open, just as a black substance enveloped his right hand, hardening into black armor.

Law stared amazed. With sheer force of concentration, he was able to activate his willpower into a solid form. But his surprise disappeared in his steel eyes as his Busoshoku haki disappeared just after a few seconds.

A frown on his lips.

"Next lesson, maintaining your willpower." Shiki stated, getting Law's attention as she stood up.

"And how do I do that?" he questioned but regretted it. If her advice on shit was anything to go by, he rather not hear her next tip-it's ridiculous. Just as he was about to take back his words, Shiki had used that time to remember what her mentor had told her when she asked what Law just asked.

This time, remembering the correct terms.

"It's like holding in your shi-"

"Stop." Law said in a forceful tone, standing on his feet, he stalked towards the confused-looking Shiki, staring as she had to tilt her head up to keep eye contact with a towering Law.

He placed his arm over her head on the metal wall, leaning his head down to her level as he nearly let out a growl, "Just where do you get these 'advice' from?" he questioned with narrowed eyes. He had tried so hard in the first step without following her... ridiculous advice, he did not want to continue like this if the rest of the steps were like this.

Unfazed by Law in her personal space, Shiki's only issue was his damn height.

She was definitely gonna have neck cramps in the future.

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