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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


The room was in total chaos as holes, cracks and rubble-both large and small- decorated the room from the fight.

If Shiki were to be honest to herself, she was beginning to feel tired from the fight. The continuous use of haki was starting to put a strain on her body and her wounds didn't help. She was also tired of Kaz aiming at Kyle before attacking her right at the last second. She would rather the enemy just focus on her instead of using someone else to get to her- no, she would rather just face the enemy by herself, that would be a lot easier.

Kyle had some light cuts and scratches on him but they weren't as bad as Shiki's wounds that she had taken head on.

A flying boulder, that had an extra pushed from a burst of wind, headed towards the pirates, making them quickly run away from it as it landed heavily into the stone ground, creating a large crater in where they had been standing.

Dodging was the only thing they could do so far as Kaz's devil fruit ability and his brute strength proved to be an issue to the pirates.

"Come on!" Kaz chuckled, raising a finger in a 'come here' motion, "I'm sure the Death Bringer can do more than that." he looked at Shiki who was beginning to breathe hard. He then looked at her partner, "And Kyle, I'm sure you could join and help her. Don't worry, I won't use my ability."

The taunting also didn't help.

"Shut it, you bi-polar baldy!" Kyle charged at him as he shot bullets at the devil fruit user before switching to combat as he delivered a number of combos of kicks and punches but the opponent was quick for his size as he dodged every one of his attack.

Once Kaz thought he has humored the boy long enough, he swiped at him by his arm and sent him into a wall, a crater forming beneath him.

"Gah!" he coughed out blood, before falling out of the crater and onto the ground where he groaned in pain.

"Now, for the real challenge." Kaz said, turning around just as Shiki appeared, her scythe, coated in haki, over her shoulder and prepared to swing. He let out a devious smirk as he pulled his fist again and thrust, but this time with a surprise.

"Haki." registered in her mind as her eyes widened. It was too late to pull back as her weapon made contact, creating sparks of energy between them.

"Surprised?" he offered, his smirk turning sadistic.

Shiki didn't answer, clenching her jaw as she focused on the task at hand. Her whole body cried out in protest as she used two hands to pushed harder against his fist with her scythe.

As she refused to back down in this moment of strength, Shiki's eyes widened when she noticed that his fist had begun grabbing her blade and another fist was incoming her way. Too late to dodge, the fist covered haki made contact to the side of her ribs, breaking a few bones in the process, and causing her to be sent straight into a pile of rubbles.

Shiki bit her lip, refusing to let any sound of pain out- a lesson well engraved into her- and shakily pulled herself out of the pile of broken stones, ignoring the blood sliding down from the cut above her right eyebrow. It was slightly interfering with her sight but she wiped it away, if only for it to stop for just a moment.

This had to be the most enduring fight she had ever been in for a while.

Grabbing her scythe that she had dropped when she fell, Shiki quickly looked for Kaz, only to see him heading towards Kyle who had shakily gotten up, his gun aimed at the approaching Kaz with a fierce gaze in his hazel eyes.

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