It's a bear

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


It's been days since their encounter with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Having recently captured a run-away pirate that had escaped from a different division, Shiki and her men had landed on a winter island with this being the last island they were going to dock before returning to Marine HQ with the recaptured pirate in their procession.

With huts and bars and fortunately stores for supplies. Shiki ordered most of her men to stock up while she took two of them to come with her to a bar.

Well, more like one man volunteered himself and the other wanting to follow her.

Although, she would had preferred if she could go alone to the local bar. She rather not get lectured when she ask the the bartender a question. 


"Vice Admiral Shiki, what are we doing here?" Leo asked, focusing straight ahead.

"Finding when the log pose will set."

"But didn't Marine HQ give us a list of the island's log pose? And what about our Eternal pose?" Oni asked, wrapping his arms around himself tighter to stop shivering in his acquired coat.

Sadly it was no use.

"..." Shiki continued walking.

Oni furrowed his brows, "The list should be in the top drawer of your desk, don't tell me you- we lost it?"

"I'll get you a new one when we're back." said Leo with a smile, though he could barely keep his eyes open from the cold wind.

"Thanks, Leo." 

Oni snapped his head at his friend with wide eyes before whipping back to his Vice Admiral, "What?! No, I was going to do that - an extra one since there's no way our Vice Admiral could lose our log pose list and the Eternal pose!" there was no way he was going to miss out being a good subordinate to his Vice Admiral!


Shiki only let out a nontrivial grunt.

Hearing such a reply, thinking he did bad, Oni tried to appease his Vice Admiral with the prospect of him doing his extra best while Leo tried to calm him down, and Shiki... Shiki let the chatter wash over them in comfortable silence, letting this continue all the way to the bar.

However, as soon as Shiki walked in, she immediately ducked, letting a man in a boiler suit fly over her head, knocking her men into the snowy ground instead. 

Without missing a beat, she stood up and continued her way to the bartender behind the counter like everything was as usual. 

And since it was as usual, she ignored the party she had just turned awkward and tense simply because of her the scythe she was shouldering, and her Vice Admiral coat fluttering behind her.

Setting herself down on a stool, she gestured for the poor ashen old bartender until a shout cut through the silent bar.

"Captain, it's the Heart Pirates!" Oni exclaimed, wrestling with the boiler suit man on the ground, "They've been making a name for themselves lately, it's getting out of hand!" 

Hits and kicks were exchanged, yet it was mostly coming from the boiler suit man, while Oni tried to block and keep him down.

Shiki tilted her head towards him with a blank face, seeing as one of her men was holding a guy with a penguin hat on his head, she could sense the other pirates standing up, about to pounce at any moment, knowing that one wrong move could end badly, but there was one thing that made the Vice Admiral confused.

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