The Kids are here

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Starting on the next batch of dirty clothing, Shiki dutifully put them in the wash after checking any pockets on the clothes. While she waited for them to be cleaned, she started folding the clean pile of clothes.

Hearing the sound of clothes rustling beside her, she turned her head to see Captain trying to wiggle out from the pile of white boiler suits.

"Meow." sounded the small distress voice of the kitten.

Temporary leaving her task, Shiki picked up the pile of clothing, letting Captain escape from under. He ran towards her, jumping onto her lap, nuzzling her stomach before curling into a ball, ready for a nap.

Shiki stared at Captain for a while before continuing folding the Heart pirate's clothes as well as hers. Over the past few days, she had taken it upon herself to do the laundry without telling the others when she had no more relatively clean clothes to wear.

What she had saw when she found the laundry room was a mountain of clothing that was on the peek of crumbling down, smelling like old sweat socks covered in grease and oil. She wondered how the guys still had 'clean' clothes to wear when it looked like all their clothing were chucked into this room.

She had entered the room by using the butt of her scythe to poke down the sensitive mountain, cringing at the flush of stink that seemed to hit her like a wave. She hadn't brought Captain with her at that time, letting him not experience this atrocity. He was with the others which they had taken quite a liking to him.

For some reason, Bepo seemed to be beaming whenever Law was in the room, but... somewhat fidgety around her now, like he had something to say but didn't want to say it.

Did she do something wrong to the adorable bear?

She hope she didn't.

Finishing folding the last clean clothing, she was just in time for the next batch from the wash. Gently putting Captain on the ground, she took the wet clean clothes out and put them aside while repeating the cycle. When she checked a black pair of swim trunks, she pulled out a strip of paper with a series of numbers on it.

She stared at it before turning her gaze to the swim trunks, if she remembered correctly, those should be Law's.


As soon as she stepped out of the room with a sleeping Captain cradled in one arm, she frowned when she felt a burst of warmth envelop her.

The sub seemed to be getting warmer today.

Deciding to change into her black shorts and tank top before heading to the Control room, Shiki wondered if the metal sub can melt underwater.


Entering into the Control room, Shiki saw Jambarl, Bepo and Law looking over a map on a table they brought in while discussing what seemed to be about the next island.

Walking towards them, Shiki peered from under Law's arm as he pointed at a mark that was their next destination.

"-Volcanica Island is surrounded by smaller underwater volcanoes..." Law trailed off as all three of them turned their gaze to Shiki, blinking at her position before going back to their topic, "What's worst is that the island has an active volcano."

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