The process of reflect and repent

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Leo gulped as he lifted his rifle to eye level, preparing to save his ex-superior's life from just a few metres away.

Kyle stood in front of Shiki from the same distance that Leo was, cocking his gun right at Shiki's face that seemed slightly depressed.

Not on the whole task though, no. She knew Leo would succeed. She was more depressed that Captain was upset with her.

As soon as her punishment was over, she rushed back to her room with Captain's breakfast that consisted of chicken. When she opened her door, she found Captain looking all pissed, his tail lashing at the bed in an annoyed manner.


The black kitten turned his head away from her, peeved that his human left him alone and forgot about him.

Shiki closed the door behind her and keeled in front of  her bed, her chin laying on the surface, "Captain, I'm sorry that I left you alone yesterday."


Her only response was him curling up in a ball.

She offered him food but he still didn't budge, so all day, till the afternoon, Shiki had been petting her kitten in hopes for his forgiveness, but Captain ignored her and was trying not to purr.

Sulking at the fact that Captain was mad at her while she stood with a gun aimed at her, the Heart Pirates stood on the sidelines, feeling uncomfortable at the situation, their hearts pounding against their rib cage.

"Oi, Captain. Isn't this dangerous?" Penguin whispered to Law, sweating out of nervousness, "Captain?" he asked when there was no response.

Law remained quiet as he stared with the rest of his crew.

Kyle firmly held the gun, one eye closed as he aimed right in the middle of Shiki's forehead.

Without hesitating, he pulled the trigger.


Everything seemed to be in slow motion for Shiki as she stared bored at the bullet that was inches from her forehead.




They stared shocked, speechless in their spots before erupting into a loud cheer, running up to Leo who had buckled to the ground with a relieved breath, sweat sliding down his face.

"That was awesome!"

"Dude, that was too close, don't ya think?"

"Good job!"

"Welcome to the Heart Pirates!"

Leo couldn't help but laugh, relieved that he did it.

Watching the scene from his spot, Law lowered his arm, a ring of white air surrounding a light blue ring disappearing from under his palm.

Kyle seemed slightly disappointed but deep inside, he couldn't help but feel relieved that he didn't kill someone. He gave a little huff and walked towards the group who was still congratulating on Leo's skill.

With the test over, Shiki turned back, unfazed by the whole thing. Just as she was about to walk pass Law, she stopped when he began talking.

"You really do trust him, don't you." he stated more than questioned, his face neutral while his eyes trained on his now newly added member getting congratulatory pats on the back. She had told him that if the bullet was too close for comfort then she would had blocked it, yet when he watched, he realized she had never planned to do it.

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