The rescue

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Shiki jumped across the roofs along with some other Heart Pirates while few took to the ground.

All were running with the same location in mind.

She glanced at the pirates that were carrying weapons- in fact, all of them were, some had long swords, axes and even guns on their person, "I never knew the Heart Pirates had weapons..." she mumbled, adjusting her scythe on her shoulder as she jumped onto another roof.

While she and the others had retreated back to the sub to prepare for Law's signal, she was surprised to see they had weapons on board.

Landing besides her was Leo who had his rifle strapped to his back, "I'm guessing you didn't check their Weaponry room, that's where I found a bazooka!" he grinned.

Shiki turned her head to him and blink, "What Weaponry room?"

Now it was Leo's turn to blink. Its been a while since they stayed on the yellow submarine, and Shiki longer than him. Surely she must have explored the place if she was going to be living with them. Before he could explained, he was interrupted by Kyle from the ground.

"Oi! Leo, Woman!" he barked, glaring at them from over his shoulder, "You're lagging behind, hurry up!"

Both Shiki and Leo turned back to the front to see that they really were lagging behind the others, even the ones on the ground were far ahead of them.

Leo winced at the sight, "Uwah, we really are." he looked behind him and saw that no one else was left behind, "Guess we should pick up our pace-whoa!" he shouted out of surprise as the back of his boiler suit was grabbed and he was suddenly in the air, picking up speed.

"Focus." Shiki simply said as she easily made her way pass the others by leaping through the air now.

Composing himself, Leo answered back with a grunt before realizing something, looking over his shoulder, he focused his gaze on a scowling Kyle and gave him the biggest grin with a thumbs up. Sparkles seemed to be brimming his face.

The scowl on Kyle's face worsened as he stared at them with veins throbbing from his forehead, "Why you!" he growled, "Showoff!"

Besides him, Penguin and Shachi chuckled as they had the privilege to witness the exchange between them while Ren shook his head in with a tired smile.   

By the time the Heart Pirates arrived at the towering castle, chopped up bodies within red cloaks were scattered over the snow covered ground. 

"Captain!" the cried, seeing said person waiting for them.

Law, who was leaning against a snow covered boulder, looked up with a calm smirk, in his hand was an unconscious head of a man that looked to be in his thirties with unshaven black facial hair. The head was being thrown in the hair before being caught in Law's hand. 

As soon as Law saw his crew assembled, all prepared with weapons, he pushed off from where he was leaning and headed towards the steel gate, "Let's go." he ordered, leading the crew.

Shiki charged forward, leaping over the pirates and swung her scythe in a quick motion, slicing the gate in half.

The steel gates squeaked in protest but fell to the ground with a heavy 'thump' the snow softening the landing.

With the gate 'opened', the Heart Pirates marched forward and was instantly faced with more red cloaks, lunging towards them. 

The Hearts took immediate action, springing forward and taking down their opponents as quickly as possible, not wanting their Captain to join in this tedious battle.

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