That handkerchief moment

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Once Reika had hissed at the two mechanics away, she turned to her friend who was rubbing her pinched cheek that she had pulled for deciding her stay with the pirates.

"You know," she sniffed, preventing any snot from dripping, "once he finds out, he's gonna be a pain in the ass."

"I'll just get him a new one." Shiki muttered, thinking if that was the best choice.

"That scythe was a loan and once he finds out that its gone and broken, the old fart is going to bitch about it." she frowned in detest, wiping her face dry of tears with her splotched, damp red sleeve, "I can't believe that scythe broke, it was supposed to be good quality." she muttered with an annoyed tone which was not directed at her friend but at the son of a bit-.

"Reika, are you okay?"

She sniffed with a frown in reply.

Over with Law and the others, Law was receiving a call from Ren while the others listened in,

"Captain, there are marines in town and seemed to be running in one direction." Ren whispered as over on his side, him and his group were hiding in an alley way, backs against the wall, with their supplies, in the shadows. Watching from the corner to see multiple marines in the a few metres from them.

Law frowned at the news, his eyes narrowing, "Can you tell me where they are headed?"

The snail nodded, "From what I can see, it's likely they are heading towards the library."

Clicking his tongue, Law ordered Ren to tell the others to head back to the ship.

"Captain, the log pose doesn't set until tomorrow so we should submerge for the time." Penguin informed to which Law agreed to.

"Do you think Leo will be back soon, I don't want to fight the marines with a pile of books in my hands."

Just as he said it, said person appeared, looking rather tired out. On his back was rifle that he retrieved and in his hand was three brown sacks to carry the books.

"Speak of the devil." Penguin muttered, looking at the man along with everyone else.

"Marines are headed here." was all Leo said as he handed out the empty bags to the mechanics, "And they're close by."

Taking in this information, Law ordered everyone to move out as soon as the books were secured in the bags.


As the pirates was putting the books in the bags, Leo took a glance at the two girls standing just a few metres away from them.

Seeing how the others got everything under control, he went over to the two girls.

"Reika-san, are you alright?" he asked, looking concern as stared at her puffy red eyes.

She sniffed at that, looking annoyed, "I'm fine." trying not to drip snot.

Pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, Leo offered the material to Reika, "Would you like to use this?" he politely asked.  

Staring at the handkerchief with a raised brow, the red head gave the blonde a quizzical look, "I will blow snot into this, do you really want that?"

Sweatdropping, Leo let out a small uncertain chuckle, "Don't worry about it, you can keep it." he reassured, "I have extras just in case something like this happens." he grinned sheepishly.

Death can't have herTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon