We all love Bepo

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


It's been a few weeks since the War between Whitebeard and the marines. The marines had suffered a huge lost, starting a war in the first place, only to lose their captive and the enemies getting away.

The pirates were slowly healing from the wounds they got from fighting, taking it easy. With Whitebeard weakened, other pirates thought this was a great time to strike, but unfortunately for them, the Whitebeard pirates were still tough even if weakened.

With Luffy, Jinbe, Ace and Whitebeard on their way to recovery from Law's expertise, the Heart Pirates had been peacefully sailing around in Paradise in their yellow submarine. Not going to the New World like the others just yet due to the Heart Pirate Captain's order. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Lounging against Bepo, looking all relaxed with his arms folded behind his head and his fluffy hat tipped down on his eyes, the breezy air stroked against any visible skin on the Dark Doctor.

Things were going great for Trafalgar Law, having treated the Whitebeard's 2nd Division in Command and having them owe him a favor whenever he needed, sailing the seas in Paradise with no casualties was a warm welcome on Law's list.

Hearing the door squeak open on deck and footsteps walking towards his peaceful rest, Law tipped his hat up to reveal grey eyes which were directed at Penguin and Shachi who was walking up to him with wide grins.

"Captain! Jambarl said he sighted an island!" Shachi grinned, waving his fists up and down in front of him.

"He says that the island looks like it might be uninhabited since we're approaching a jungle." Penguin added with his hands on his hips, looking triumphant.

Law smirked at his two mechanics, having been out on sea for weeks, the guys were all getting fidgety from not being on dry land so they were very excited even if no people or women were on the jungle.

"Gather everyone on deck in half an hour." Law ordered.

The two mechanics didn't have to be told twice as the two rushed to do as they were told with excited smiles.

He turned his head to the side and could see the island his men were talking about, full of large trees covered the whole land as well as mountains covered in green.

For some reason, Law had a feeling that he would find something interesting on that island, but what?

"Better keep a lookout." he mumbled to himself with a smirk.

"Aye aye, Captain!" his first mate enthusiastically replied in his sleep, causing Law to have an amused smile on his lips as he went back to resting.


As soon as the Heart Pirates reached land, everybody was ready on standby, awaiting for Law's orders, all itching to walk on dry land and explore.

Law gave out the orders to split into groups and find food while the men that stayed behind were to set up lunch.

The chef had insisted to eat outside since the weather was fine and sunny, perfect weather for eating out.

Trekking into the forest with just Bepo by his side with his nodachi in his paws, Law casually sidestepped any roots sticking out, vines hanging from branches and moving leaves out of his face.

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