Chapter 15.

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Everything seemed to be the same. Music, alcohol, people everywhere.. Just a complete mess. Yeah, Caci and Hale took me to a party instead of having dinner. I actually couldn't remember what happened, I just knew my head hurt and that I had got a proper bad hangover. 'Way too much fucking alcohol' I thought to myself.

I got up from bed and automatically headed downstairs since I couldn't find anyone. I opened the bedroom door at the same time as I tried to look at my phone screen. Not such a great idea since my phone ended in the floor. I grabbed it and started reading through my texts, there was a goodnight text from Matt and another one from Ashton saying I should go to his at 4pm, I quickly answered it and once again tried to open the door. When I was downstairs there was no sign of Nick, neither Caci but quickly spotted Hale on the couch.

"Good morning there" She said as she noticed my presence in the room.

"Oh hey" I smiled laying on the couch next to her.

"Had a pretty nice time yesterday, right?" She asked me as she flipped through the channels.

"I think so?" I asked making it quite clear that I didn't remember about it.

"The guy you.. you hooked up with, he was really cute" She told me smirking. First I was almost forced to go to that party when I was told that it was a dinner and now I just didn't remember what the hell happened back there.

"But-" I didn't know what to say, I was really confused

"You drank a lot and when I say a lot it was like Nicole's party last year.. You were way too excited" She talk as she could imagine the events in her head. "Then you hooked up with this guy, you were missing for about half an hour till I found you next to the pool.." She said. Mentioning Nicole's party was enough for me to realise what might had happened...

"Was it that bad?" I asked as soon as Hale finished talking.

"Not really, I mean we came home before right after you left the room you were in... We got home and you fall asleep instantly." She said, someway trying to calm me down. "Want some coffee?" She asked and I quickly nodded before we got to the kitchen.

"Here you have" She said placing the cup next to me and sitting right in front of me in the counter. "Are you okay?" She asked as I finished reading Calum and Ashton's texts, they were asking about the party.. How did they even know about the party?

"My head is killing me" I told her.

"You should go back to bed. Going to that party was a really bad idea, I'm sorry" Hale placing her hand over mine.

"I will be ok, thank you by the way" I said as I skipped upstairs and settled on my bed, it was warm in there.

Minutes later Hale entered the room and handed me an aspirin with a glass of water. Also reminded me that in order to apply to college we should take some exams next week. Right now the last thing I could focus on was studying. I turned the TV on and spent about half an hour watching some cooking channel till I remembered that I never got to answer my texts. I quickly typed in my phone,

To: Calum, Ashton
Talking to you later. Worst hangover ever

From: Ashton
Me and Cal are crashing at your place later then. Get better babe!!

I smiled down at his text. I blocked my phone, placed on the floor and turned off the TV. I covered myself, I tug it over me until the blanket reached my eyes, that was when I fall asleep.


There was a second knock on my door, when I opened my eyes there were two heads popping at the door. I smiled at them and waved for them to come in. Both of them almost jumped over me, so we were almost three people in a bed. I checked the time in my phone and it seemed that I slept for about three hours, to be honest I was definitely feeling way better.

"How are you feeling?" Ashton asked me as he took out from a small plastic bag some pop corn, chocolates and two movies.

"Much better" I smiled at them. I actually thought I was going to spend all day at bed alone doing absolutely nothing.

"So how was the party?" Calum asked me raising his eyebrows, meanwhile Ash stood up and went over the tv to put on the first movie.

"I swear I didn't know we were going to a party, I thought they were taking me to have dinner and-" I started talking but he calmed me down.

"I don't need explanations Maddy, I just want to know if you are okay.." He told me looking at me. Oh right, dumbest person over here.

"Yeah I'm better" I smiled to him, trying to forget what just happened. "It was shitty anyway"

"So you and Ben?" Ashton asked winking at me as he sat down next to me.

"Ben who?"

"The guy you-" He started saying.

"What?" I said, "I mean- How do you know?" I was so nervous I didn't know what I was saying. Ashton started laughing when I tried to explain myself so I punched him on the stomach to stop.

"A friend of ours was in that party and he saw you, he is Ben's friend as well so.." I just wanted him to shout up and to avoid this conversation. Luckily the movie started and we all shut up.

I just wanted to make it quite clear that nothing happened but I couldn't just lie if they knew about it. Calum didn't talk during it, he didn't have the need to anyway. He was the one who said friends, so I will take that as good?

I started to feel sleepy halfway through the movie so I slowly laid my head on Ashton's shoulder and instantly fall asleep. About an hour later I woke up once again, I found myself sleeping over Calum's chest. I felt quite uncomfortable so I just excused myself and took a quickly shower while they ended with the movie so we could watch the another one with me not falling asleep... Naps are definitely my thing.

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