Chapter 24.

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It was the worst feeling ever don't being able to see Ashton. I mean I missed them all but Ashton going away again was horrible. My little buddy was away from me once more, I didn't know it was that hard to be without him.. I don't even know how I survived all these years actually. Maybe because I was too young to notice? Maybe Ashton was erased from my life for a decade? I don't even know. I just want my best friend back.

As the days passed by, it felt that Calum was distanced as ever. This few times Ashton send me a pic of them or Michael called Hale to tell her about their trip and how were they going, but Calum never appeared, we never texted... I wasn't sure if he was avoiding me or what. I just kept on thinking all these days since they left, and I realized that it isn't more a little crush I have on Calum, I really do like him.

Monday to Friday, the whole week taking college admission exams in order to be considered eligible for application by a college over Sydney before summer ended. We were pretty nervous at it would be full of new people, almost two months passed by and we only know the boys, some friends of Nick, and Rachael. I even asked Luke about their college and it seemed to be the same as ours but we were attending classes on different buildings, therefore it wasn't like going to the same college at all.

It was exhausting getting up at 8am during summer holidays, argh. Luckily by now there was only one exam left, which was this friday... The last effort to get through exams week.

As I was lying at the couch watching some old episode of Prision Break on netflix, I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I walked over the door to find a tall guy who handed me about three letters. I thanked him and walked back to the couch opening the envelope which was from college.

Inside I found a chart full of grades from the past exams. A congratulations note for Hayley since she already got her admission to college. My grades were ok as always, leaving a blank space in this friday's exam and then when I reached Acacia's grades my jaw almost dropped, she had a higher chance to drop college and go back to Perth than getting her admission.

"CACIIIIIIII" I shouted for her to come down stairs but she didn't answer. Where the hell was she?

"She isn't here Mads" Hale shouted me back from upstairs. I texted her and some seconds later she answered me.

From: Caci
I will be there in five x

For my surprice she was once again with Mr Charming, I think now I know why she failed the exams. Hale joined me in the couch and we talked about what was going on, even she got surprised by Caci's grades. As we waited for Acacia we ended up on our phones, and I found myself stalking Matt.

I was happy for him because he moved alone, also because he told me that mom finally found a job at a bakery next to our old house and that she was doing really good. Everything at home seemed to get better as I was away. Sometimes I asked myself if I should go back home but then I think about it again and it doesn't make sense. I was having a great time living with my best friends, even I had my big brother back, almost a place in college and was looking for a job really soon. Things seemed to happen so quickly...

Exactly five minutes passed by and the couple were on the door. "I'm home!" I heard Caci shouting. After they took the groceries on the fridge, the three of us sat again on the couches and Nick disappeared, I think he noticed some real shit was going on.

"So today this letter from the college arrived" I said placing it on the table in front of me, and both Hale and me looking at Caci.

"What?" She asked looking back.

"Read" We said in unison.

"Ughhh these douchebags" She said leaving the letter back on the table and grabbing her phone which was lying on her leg. That was all?

"Caci your last chance is this Friday, if you fail you are out" I told her in my most serious tone.

"I will pass it, take it easy" She said pretty calm which really got in my nerves, in times like this I took the mother role.

"Acacia this is serious, we came here not for vacation I mean-"

"Yes I know okay? Are we done?"

"We are being serious, listen here, if you don't get through you won't be able to attend any school. Will you be a drop out? Will you go back to Perth? Will you make us all go back to Perth?" Hale asked.

"Um I think you are right"

"Yeah, sure we are. You better study the crap out that history book." I demanded.

"I'm sorry" She said not even looking at us.

"I'm sorry, I'm being a complete bitch too" I smiled trying to slow down, I couldn't deal with throwing all this effort away by some boy... We talked for another good half an hour in which Hale offered herself to help Caci with her studies since she was done with hers. So by friday she would be ready.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing next to me, two new text messages. The first one was from my phone company, and the other one was from Ashton.

From: Ashton
Oi loser

To: Ashton
How is the road trip going?

From Ash:
Aceee! How is calum doing?

To: Ash
How would I even know twat? He is with you..

From: Ash
A little bird told me  you two kissed

To: Ashton
Shut up

From: Ashton
I already told you, Calum is a really nice guy
Plus he has my approval...

To: Ashton
Shut up and go on ur road trip drama queen

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