Chapter 16.

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To: Calum, Ashton
I'm feeling wayyyyyy better today!! Thanks for coming over yesterday :-)

The first thing I did when I woke up was texting both of them. The headache was gone and I was feeling pretty good this morning. I sat in my bed and looked around. Hale was lying on her bed, smiling down at her phone.

"HEY" I yelled at her.

"Why would you do that?!" She squalls back as I started laughing.

"So who are you texting?" I asked and she quickly covered her phone with the sheets.

"No one" She said.

"Hayley Morwell don't lie to me" I said as I struggle to open the little window between our beds, I needed fresh air.

"Um.. Some boy I met back at the party"

"Aw, that's cute"

"We chatted throughout the night and he asked for my number before I left" She blushed.

"Are you seeing him soon? Because if you do I want to meet him ok-"

"I actually saw him yesterday" She said trying to hide her blush behind the sheets.

"I might guess he is head over heels for you ma'am" I said as I got inside her bed, next to her.

"Oh for me? I don't think so, I mean, you know he- he is quite known out there and h-"

"Oh no Hayley shut up, you're gorgeous and you shouldn't be humble about it. So tell me, how was the date?" I asked.

"Thank you" She smiled at, "But it wasn't a date, I just went to his house and he asked me for help because he was dying his hair or something.."

"That's weird" I laughed with her, making her blush once again. "And you two keep texting aw"

"He asked me to go out" She said.

"As a daaaaaaate?" I got excited.

"No Maddy, he is going with a friend of his as well so I don't think I would call that a date?" She explained. "Anyway, what's up with Calum? It has been a while since we talked about him"

"Everything is okay, you know.. As usual" I told her, things just seemed to go back to normal now.

"Madison" Hale said making me look at her, "everyone knows you two are into something.."

"We are not Hale!" I said, "I might had admitted that I have a crush on him but that's all.." Maybe I should forget about him, I thought. Just a- friend. Just as Ashton, that's all.

"Oh I thought- Forget it, wanna go shopping?" Hale said and kicked me out of bed.

I dropped the subject and stood to her plan. All I want is to leave this room for once and get some fresh air, it has been two days of quarantine inside here.
Before leaving we texted Caci, telling her to meet us later at the mall.

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