Chapter 18.

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Thank good it's Friday.
This past week we had been studying for the exams in order to get into college. Although it were only two exams, it seemed like hell of a lot to study during summer holidays. I swore it's the last time I would sacrifice a week of my vacation to study.

During this past week we had been either reading books and school material. Or working out, walking from the table where I was studying to the fridge and back. Spending two days at bed because of my hangover last week was nothing compared to this living hell. This was even worst than quarantine, it has been 5 days since I had breathed fresh air or walked down the road. The only one who was lucky enough to leave the house is Hale, the nerdie went for an ice cream with Michael on Wednesday to take a break. But that was all, the closest to interacting with another human being.

At the moment we were all at the living room. As we read aloud the upcoming and last exam topics, Nick read a newspaper. Every so often it seemed that he was not as lame as I thought.

"Tomorrow night we can order pizza and rent the.. Um-" Hale said trying to remember the movie.

"Shit" Nick cursed, "I forgot to tell you guys that a friend is throwing a massive party at his place tomorrow night.. And I figured you might wanna go?" He asked us.

"I'm staying" I said first. There have been enough parties, and shots and embarrassment for me. No more.

"Come onnnn, if you skip drinking we will have a nice time!" Hale told me.

"I'm down for it" Caci smiled, "And Maddy just take a break, you had been studying your ass off."

"I will think about it, ok?" I said, all I wanted was to focus once again on my lecture. I would have that debate later.

"Great! I will text him saying we are going" Nick told us, making his way to his bedroom.


I walked back and forth on the corridor waiting for Nick to get out of the bathroom, he was taking way too long. After some minutes he was finally out. I followed him and knocked on his half opened bedroom door, it could had been rude for me to let myself in.

"Come in" He said.

"Hi Nick" I awkwardly said, "So... are the boys going to tonight's party?" I asked.

"You mean Calum?" He asked me grinning from his bed.

"Yeah, the boys" I said once more, trying to emphasize the last word.

"I think so, Ashton is friends with Tyler" He answered me, I didn't know who that was but anyway I should ask them if they are actually going.

"Thank you!" I told him before grabbing the handle of his bedroom door.

"Hey, wait! So you and Calum huh?" He asked, making me turn around. It seems Caci had told him about it, or Calum did? I don't know honestly, there is nothing going on anyway. I raised an eyebrow on confusion. I didn't know what was the answer to that to be quite honest. He smirked at me and I knew it was time to leave, I turned around and walked to my room. I pulled out my phone and texted the guys asking if they were going or not, I needed their confirmation.

As I went trough my camera roll, I got a message from Ashton saying they were actually going. It seems that Tyler and Michael asked them to, they are both close friends. Now there was a clear reason for Hale's excitement for tonight. It's official, neither Hale nor Caci would be looking after me tonight, all by myself. Should I even go? As I debated with myself what to do, my phone vibrated.

From: Calum
Okie babe, text us when u are there

I quickly walked over to Caci's room and I told her tonight I was going. I took a shower, dried myself and walked to our closet.

"Hayyyyley!" I shouted for her to come up stairs. I needed her to give me advice on what to wear. Before she got into the shower, she placed some clothes on my bed so I could choose from the pile. I got dressed with a black dress of hers that fitted me pretty good to be honest, it adjusted to my curves. Done.

"Nick knows about the Calum thing" I told Hale, as she came out of the bathroom with a towel around her body.

"But.. How?" She asked me while dried herself and choose what to wear. "It can't be... Acacia!" Hale shouted loud enough to be heard from the neighbours house.

"Whats up?" She appeared on our room door.

"Did you tell Nick?" Hale asked as she got herself on her tight black shorts.

"What?" Caci asked confused.

"About Calum.."

"Ohh no, I did not-" She started saying before someone popped by the door, interrupting her.

"Yeah, what about Calum?" Nick said looking straight down at me while throwing his arm over Caci's shoulders.

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