Chapter 37.

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Keeping my eyes open as the elevator rose was way harder than I thought, my eyes burning from lack of sleep. I regretted sleeping so late but when I really think about it, last night was pretty worth it. The elevator beeped, startling me. "Come on Madison," I tell myself, "get your shit together."

Cassie was on her computer at the front desk just like she was the first time I met her.

"Good morning erm..." she looked up at me and blinked.

"Madison, but I prefer Maddy." I smiled at her, setting down my paperwork on the desk.

"Great. Okay Maddy, let me take you to your desk." Cassie told me as she grabbed a folder with some papers on it and placed it underneath her arm, "Follow me."

I followed her closely, as getting lost in the office was the last thing I wanted on my first day. And getting lost seems to be one of my many talents...

"Actually Mr. Patten wanted to show you to your new desk himself but he is in a meeting right now. But I'm sure he will come by later today." She told me. She stopped in front of the last room in the hall, and pointed at my name inscribed on the plaque to the left of the door. "Here we are." she said as she opened the door, revealing a fairly large room with a huge window. Two large desks were on each side of the room, one of which was occupied by a blonde haired boy with black rimmed lenses on his nose, who was typing furiously.

"Maddy this is Dylan. Dylan, this is Maddy, your new working partner." Cassie introduced us both.

"Hello" the blonde haired boy says, his eyes not leaving his computer screen.

"Hey." I murmured, slightly discouraged by his lack of hospitality.

"This is your assigned computer and for today we just need you to get familiarized with it and its software. But if you happen to be a computer whiz like Dylan, then you can start with the papers that are over there." She said, pointing at a pile of papers with different tags and names.

"Feel free to ask questions, to me or to Dylan." She eyed him and then looked back at me. "Actually, if you need anything, just ask me. I don't really know how that boy will react, to be perfectly honest." she forced a smile. "You know where to find me. Good luck sweetie." Cassie smiled at me and sauntered out of the room, leaving me with Dylan the unsocial computer guy.

I sat down in the chair at my desk and examined the computer. I couldn't believe this was actually happening, I was quite proud of myself. I mean the only time I worked was for my uncle, and I was the receptionist on his radio station, so this was a big deal for me.

I switched on my computer and started looking over the papers Cassie had given me when I see a pop-up on my screen. It asked for a username and password to log in. I bit my lip and sifted through the folder, and when I find nothing, I realize I'll have to ask Dylan.

"Excuse me?" I asked, waiting for a few moments for a reply, but he kept looking at his monitor. "Uh, Dylan?"

"I'm listening. What?" He snapped back at me.

"Okay, uh, what's user and password to log in?" I say, looking back at the computer.

"First name dot last name and your employee ID." He almost barked at me. Not even a moment later, his eyes were back to being glued to his screen. I have no idea how on earth we are supposed to work together, I mean, what is wrong with this guy?

It took me about twenty minutes to figure out how the software worked, going through the different programs that were installed and checking out the agency web page. After a while, I decided to start with the papers that lay on the table. Nothing made sense. I went through the tags and notes, but it was all way too confusing.

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