Chapter 29.

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"Have a nice day Mr Patten" I said politely

"You too Madison" The old man told me as I walked out his office.

The interview was finally done. The mysterious 'Mr Patten' ended up being kind of funny and talkative so it wasn't that uncomfortable. I was really happy, I was actually proud of doing great in my first interview... My nerves were always in the way but as time passed pretty fast, it seemed that the meeting was better than what I thought.

As I was looking forward to do something I liked I would just focus on something artistic more than a boring work, I mean I was always into working in a radio station as I used to help my uncle with his, and also photography was my big dream since I was young... Those kinds of works where the ones I liked as I would start college soon and my studies would be related to those topics.

This might be some ways to get money from; I just couldn't make Nick pay all for us... Letting us live in his house was already pretty much. Also Matt at the end of the month would send me some to help me to pay college or anything I could need.

When I was finally outside the big building I called Hale to tell her the exciting news.

Pretty good actually, they will call me probably next week for another interview if this one wasn't enough
I'm sure it was babe else I will make them give you work.
Anyway how is everything over there?
Great! Look Nick has woken up and Caci is taking a shower, so when they are done we will come to fetch you with the car... Just text me the address of the office and we will be there
Okie goodbye
Bye Mads

Instead of waiting for them on the street I chose to wait in some coffee. I walked a block away and finally found one. I took a seat and when the waitress came to my table I ordered a cappuccino and a piece of some lemon cake that I saw some minutes ago. I was starving... Yeah it was like a second breakfast? But it was just 10:30am so

The place was quite peaceful. A few tables empty, others with just one or two people. There was some calm music playing in the background, one of those quite slow and boring songs. The place was a bit small and cozy, it was nice.

After not even ten minutes, the mug filled with hot liquid and the piece of cake where in my table. With a smile in my face I ate the whole of it. A sigh escaped my mouth as I finished and leaned back in the small couch I was sitting on.

The little shop started to fill with people as the time passed by. I wasn't that much into who was inside. I had an old book a friend gave me back in Perth and I promised I would read it. It was really dull because it talked about some lame detective and the fact that the book was a comedy one, made it worst.

When I thought I was done with it I had actually didn't reach half of it. I just closed it as I could read it later and put it back in my handbag. It was already 11:15am and the guys weren't here yet? I quickly paid the waitress and checked my phone.

I had a few calls from Hale, Caci, Ashton and Calum? What even? I unlocked my phone and clicked over the messages app, all I read was "Where are you?". That was when I remember I didn't send Hale where I was.

I quickly called her and turned on the volume as it was off until now. The call didn't last long and minutes later they were at the coffee shops door. I walked to the car and when I got in the three of them looked at me.

"Didn't I tell you to text me where you were?", asked Hale.

"Yeah but I'm sorry I was just reading and my-"

"We thought you were missing again Madison" Caci told me looking right into my eyes. It wasn't the first time I would disappear.

"But I'm sorry, my phone was in silent" I tried to explain to them

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