Chapter 30.

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I could see him looking at his hands. We had been in silence for at least a minute but it seemed like hours. I kept looking at my lap, I could feel this thing he made with his legs... He made me remember of Matt and his tick, that tick he had when he was nervous.

"I... about the other day", said Calum.

"Ye-yeah, Ashton.." I said remembering since we were entering that closet till Ashton suddenly entered. I could feel a little smile daring to appear at the corner of my mouth, one that was because of the fact that I was so nervous that I would puke right now.

My thoughts made me forget about what was happening, this awkward situation. Clearly both of us remembered every single thing that happened inside that closet. Yet it was weird to talk about it...

"I'm... I'm into you" He finally bursted out looking into my eyes. I could see that the worried look was away. He sighed, a sigh of relief.

"I'm into you too" I admited still freezed about what he just said. Once my words left my lips his eyes turned to show hope? I smiled at the fact of him sitting next to me, the movement of his legs caressing mine. I thought that maybe the hard part was over, but it didn't look like it. The tension and frustration inside the room was getting bigger and bigger.

"Guess we agree in something" He smiled up to me once again, this time he grabbed my hand and started messing with my finguers. His caring touch against my sensitive skin in the space between my fingers made me shiver, I was in a hypnotized state, my eyes became heaver and it was difficult to keep them open. I would stay like this forever and never regret about it. The feeling lasted short after he gave a little squeeze to my hand, I fully opened my eyes and looked at him. Our eyes met and this time he didn't look away. "Does it sounds right to start like... over again?"

Starting over again seemed weird, I wasn't sure of what he wanted to do, what means to start over again. To forget everything that ever happened? If it was like that then we should give it a try. "Sounds perfect for me." I smiled, my cheeks heatted and I could feel my teeth showing in my smile. This time I could picture myself, smiling like a big idiot. I tried to hide the smile but it was almost impossible.

"I'm Calum" He said stretching out his hand for me to shake it. I could read the tone in his voice, a serious tone which made me realize that he really wanted this, that he wanted to start from zero. To be honest the first time I saw him it was not one of the best memories, maybe trying to start over would mean to forget about it but I would never would to be honest.

"Madison" I said stretching out mine, "but you can call me Maddy"

"Nice to meet you beautiful," Calum said as my hand left his. I wished it would last longer but hey, he just asked to start all over right? "Could I have the pleasure to take you to the movies tonight" Calum tried to sound quite polite but he failed a bit as a cheeky smile seemed to appear in his face.

"I don't think so.." On purpose I didn't finished talking. He had this worried look in his face, like he got lost or something, that confused face was the only thing I was waiting for. "I was joking loser, but I will choose the movie" I smiled at him trying to sound convincing as I would not spend over two hours over some romantic or terror crap movie.

There was his smile back, once of the things I missed since long ago. How his eyes brightened up because of something I might say or do. There was Calum, he was back. Actually it felt nice, it felt much better to be able to have a talk with him. Apart from our little heys during some group conversation, or over texts. I'm just hoping this can last for this for now on, not to screw it up again.

With a lovely yet slowly stroke he left my hand resting on my thight. He did this little nod with his head showing his agreement to my statement. When he stood up I could feel his big body towering beside me, I did not dare to look up. Once he was next to my bedroom door, he turned around before leaving.

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