L O V E // 7

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I'm stunning
I'm golden
I'm funny
I'm charming
I'm rich
I live in a gorgeous apartment
In a classy borough
I have an excellent secure job
I can spoil her
Buy her anything she wants
Yves Saint Laurent
Victoria's Secret
I can take her on holiday
To sunny enthralling destinations
Bora Bora
I have so much fucking love to give
I will cherish the ground she walks on
I will support her in whatever she wants to do
I will wait an entire century for her
I will destroy her with love and affection
She will destroy me with love and affection
I used to have goals, dreams, plans
Now she's in my goals, dreams, plans
Imagine our babies
Oh god imagine that
I've even stopped smoking because of her
I'm trying my best
So why does she think I'm still not good enough for her?

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now