O V E R F L O W // 38

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I feel myself unraveling when I think about her

I can't explain something I don't understand

How did I let this get out of hand?

I shut my eyes and try to get to sleep but the darkness crowds me

She's at school

Well done Chris

She's 18

Gold star Chris

She's going to leave for uni soon

Double points for you here Chris

She's going to leave for uni in the next couple months

She's going to leave me like my mum left me

The bitterness and resentment slinks onto my skin but I try and shake it off

I love her

But the one thing that loves you can destroy you

I refuse to be destroyed by another woman

Not again

Tears begin welling up in my eyes as the darkness becomes claustrophobic

The sheer terror and trepidation of abandonment doesn't leave me

Somewhere in the hollow darkness I feel my heart splintering

What do I do when I know she's not here to stay?

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