L A N G U A G E // 13

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She comes to me in floods of tears

Her words tangled in her pain and anguish

She tries to act like her mum dying isn't a big deal

I've been there before

My anger and despair melt away and the week's hostility melts away

I coax her into the lounge and wrap my arms around her shaking body

I soothe her with my beautiful words and keep her heart warm with love and affection

She falls asleep on the expensive leather couch

I don't move in fear of waking her up

Fatigue comes over me and I take her in my arms and into the bedroom

Nuzzling her neck I say

"I love you and will always be there for you," I whisper but she doesn't here

I'm a coward for saying those words when she's asleep

If I say it to her when she's awake the love and affection deepens and becomes all to real

This woman has some nerve to break up my comfortable loneliness

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