I G N I T E // 22

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I buy her expensive floral dresses

Expensive lace lingerie

Take her to dinner in savoureux restaurants that she never knew existed in Fiji

Plant small whimsical kisses on her lips

But she turns her head away

"You disgust me," She says harshly the words exploding out of her mouth without much thought

Pain flashes through my eyes before it's replaced with nastiness

She continues with her cruel cold calculated words and I become more distant and less responsive

No love and affection being transferred here

"What's wrong with you?" I ask

"You're what's wrong with me"

"I thought you'd be grateful but you're just a spoilt little brat. Maybe you belong in the slums"

Tears are pricking at her eyes and she stalks off and paddles in the hotel pool

I leave to go to a business meeting

At lunch I sit in my own admiring and lavishing in my own company

Two guys are having an audible conversation nearby and I unconsciously begin listening



White pearly smile

Sexy elegant demeanour

Her name started with N, I think

Very petite and good in bed

I've never wanted to shove my fist down so hard in a guy's face before

I've never wanted to murder and violate a woman so bad before

I've never wanted so badly to go back to being alone, loveless and comfortable

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ