I N F I D E L I T Y // 72

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She picks up the phone

I'm actually surprised

"We need go for a scan. Make sure everything is fine with the baby and everything...," I say my voice trailing off

"Fine. Whatever," she answers bluntly

We haven't spoken since our nasty argument and I feel guilty

"Look, how about you come round and I cook you some Paella? I know how much you love the taste of the ocean," I coax lightly, with a hint of flirtatiousness in my voice

She's silent and I fear she's going to put the phone down

"I don't need anyone, least of all you," she says coldly and calmly before putting the phone down 

I don't know what sucks more

The fact that I bought all the ingredients for the paella and assumed she'd come

Or the fact that she doesn't need me

And just maybe

Only maybe

Loves me a little less

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