O B S T A C L E // 70

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I try and recreate a vision of our future but it's been tainted

No matter how hard I try I know everything is shattered and will never be the same

If I used contraception would things be different?

I have an argument with her that night over contraceptives

She complains about the students at her school and what they're saying

Every time I think about hugging her I realise what I'm doing

Morally I'm not a peadophile but lawfully....

The word disgusts me so much and I'm ashamed to be associated with such revolution

My love and affection for her is undeniable

But it's becoming difficult between us


L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ