Chapter 17

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Author's Note- But Harry once admitted the dirtiest thing he saw on the internet was a fanfic and now I can just imagine him having a secret Wattpad account and reading all our fanfics. ASDFHJKL HELP. My sister just said 'what if you're in reaching distance of them at the concert and they touch your hand' and now I'm emotionally unstable goodbye.

Some of the things said on twitter really makes me hate people even more. I just saw one girl tweeting Harry telling him to get cancer. No one ever deserves to have anyone say that to them, I hope karma comes back to her. It's actually disgusting and I hope he never saw that tweet. But then last night was an amazing night. ANNE'S WEDDING PICTURES. I wish I was in the Style's family, Anne and Gemma looked gorgeous and Harry in a suit omg. Congratulations to Anne and Robin :)

Nothing much happens in this chapter, sorry wattpadders.


I slam my fists on the floor, crying out Harry's name. 

He can't be gone, he can't leave me.

I crawl over to him, trying to stead my shaking legs- but that's impossible. They've turned to jelly. I reach out for his hand and squeeze it, my tears uncontrollably dripping onto the bed. I grip his hand as tight as I can. I scream out his name, I don't care who's listening. I don't care if they think I'm mad. I keep screaming, until my voice is raw and I'm left with no air.

I'm pulled off Harry, fighting back. I need to stay with him.

"LOUIS!" a voice screams in my ear. I blink the tears away to see who it is.


"Louis, look at the monitor" she gasps, tears leaving her mascara stained in vertical lines.

I tilt my head. I'd been too busy screaming to notice the beeping had returned to it's steady beat.

I must be imagining this. He can't be alive...

I rub my eyes and look at the monitor again, there it is. The steady beat of Harry's heart.

"This is medically impossible. There is no way this could have happened. I can't believe it" I hear the doctor mutter to the nurse, clearly shocked.

"Anne? Is this a dream?" I ask.

She shakes her head and walks over to Harry.

"How is this possible?" I ask the doctor.

"I don't know. I've never witnessed this before, it's amazing" he explains, he checks the monitor before checking Harry's own heartbeat, "Everything seems normal...I think he might make it"

Once again, I feel a flicker of hope. I could get Harry back...


"I told you he was a fighter Lou" my mam hugs me tight. 

"He really is"

"You ok Anne?" my mam walks over to Anne. Our mams are really close now, it's amazing how well our families get on. 

"Yeah, I just can't get over it..."

"I'm sorry but we're going to have to ask you to leave now. Visiting time is over" a nurse interrupts us.

I didn't return to my ward, instead we all stayed in Harry's room, waiting for him. Eventually, a doctor found me. After a lot of arguing I finally convinced him I was fine, and he discharged me. I couldn't of spent another night in that room, there's nothing wrong with me. Liam, Niall, Zayn, Perrie (who decided to come and check on us) and Elle left a few hours ago. They've had a pretty rough 24 hours, they need sleep. I couldn't have left though. I couldn't even leave when my mam went back to my appartment to collect some clothes and a toothbrush and things for me to wash up with. My mam forced Lottie and Fizzy to go home with Mark, they can't miss more school, while she stayed with me, Anne, Gemma and Robin.

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