Pain Struck Once Again

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Author's note: hey guys sorry if this chapter isn't interesting, i couldn't think of something so i just wing it. Anyways i just wanted to say hi and thanks for reading. Bye minna!!! Love you :D

At the Guild

one month later

"Lisanna hasn't returned in a month" natsu said.

"Yeah" mira said not wanting to face the truth.

"I think we better started searching for her" lucy said.

"Probably" mira said.

"SHE'S A MAN SHE'LL COME BACK!!" elfman said holding back the tears.

"Elfman she hasn't came back after the inccident, don't you think that the reason why for her not coming back is because she kiss natsu while he was with lucy!" Mira said somewhat screaming at Elfman.

Lucy didn't like the last words that came from mira.

"I don't want to face it. We barley got her back. I don't want to lose her again even though she did a horrible thing." elfman said with his tear down his face.

"I know elfman i want her back to, but to be honest she probably not coming back unless we search for her." mira said holding her dear brother in her arms.

Lucy went outside the guild to get away from all what has happen lately. she went to the Magnolia park; she sat under the sakura tree.

Magnolia Park

She sigh and look at the sky.

Lucy's mind: This is so hard. I never knew its was going to be this hard when i came back. I thought that it would be natsu, erza, gray, wendy, charla, and happy, but ever since Lisanna came back my wish is ruin.

"But the good thing is that i have natsu." lucy said with a smile on her face.

"And i'm lucky that i have you" natsu said standing on the side of lucy, also smiling.

"It's weird how you always seem to find me no matter where i am" lucy said with a chuckle.

"Well what's life without my lucy." natsu did one of his famous photogenic smile. Lucy blushed red as a tomato.

"Can i sit?" natsu said with his arms on his waist.

"Yeah" lucy said while moving to make space for natsu.

"It's awesome day isn't it" natsu look at the blue sky.

"Yeah, it kinda brings back memories of the past." lucy said.

"I still remember the first time i met you." natsu said still looking at the sky.

"Yeah me too" lucy said looking at his handsome eyes.

"It was an accident. That fake salamander guy was using a love ring and magically made you fall in love with him, i took him as igneel and i barged right in. When i did that i broke the spell. And from there we had so many adventures." natsu said looking at lucy's brown eyes.

"But now that i think about it, why didn't the spell brake for the other girls that were around you. Why did it only work for you?" natsu said with a smile.

"Because we were meant for each other, from that day our fate were entangle with each other. We slowly came to together. I remember how dense you were, it was amazing." lucy was laughing.

"Hey that's before i realize that i love you" natsu said laughing along too.

"Lucy what did you think of when you were training?" natsu said looking back to the blue sky.

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