Summary of my second book(i cant think of a name yet)

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  • Dedicated to All my fans and nalu fans out there!

Im gonna try not to say too much spoilers. So if its not good please forgive me minna!

Lucy is shocked. How can natsu ask such a question that will decide our future. Plus a family member of natsu is comes to visit. He doesn't seem to act like a human. He's strange, but i kinda enjoy that. He's like natsu. But i always put my defense up when im around him. After the whole lisanna thing i dont trust people so easily like i used to. Dont get me wrong, he's not a bad guy, but he's strange. Or is he a bad guy. It's hard to tell. Plus i been spending a lot time with him. Natsu gets really mad when i do. We always start a fight because i hang around him to much, or i dont spend enough time with natsu. I still love natsu! It's just Akuma(natsu's family member) is interesting. But again he's strange, i cant tell if he's good guy or bad guy. Sometimes he does things that make me natsu fight and i get really mad. I dont know how i feel anymore. What will happen to me and natsu. Who is really Akuma? Will natsu and i stay together? I still love him! What next hardship will we have to face?

Is it good minna? I tried not to spoil it as much as can. I wont use this for my summary when im writing the book, but i will use some of the contexts of it. I will be a little different. I hope you like it! Oh, yeah! I have a new goal! I want to get our fanfic to the first page when you type in nalu. I want you guys to help me! And yes it's our fanfic! So please help me out minna and help our fanfic get to the first page when you type in nalu! Please spread my goal to every nalu fan on wattpad and every nalu fan out there! Please i beg of you minna! Please dont fail me! Animelover272727.

P.S sorry minna i wont be doing a chapter next week. I been really busy and i need to catch up. It's rare for me to do this because i dont like failing my fans out there. So please forgive me! Plus i need to think of an idea for the following chapter. Forgive me!

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